Editor's Corner

Some Mountains Can Be Moved On Election Day...

I recently screened the fifth and latest installment from the “God’s Not Dead” franchise, which will be open in theaters on September 12, 2024.  There was a lot going on in this movie, and since it is so in line with my personal beliefs, it offers me an opportunity to opine a bit, so this, therefore, is a bit longer of a review than usual, but I believe you will find it worth your time.

As always, I won’t divulge specifics, however this may be the most timely and important segment yet, as it reflects the current and immediate choice America is about to make between good and evil.  Vis a vis, the election.

David A.R. White and company cut right to the heart of the matter and paint a very real picture of what we are facing all across America in little towns and big cities.  One that hopefully will help open the eyes of so many in the Church that are asleep.  I copied the following synopsis that the producers generated, and which gives a great thumbnail of this movie:

“In a time of profound political, civil, and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill grapples with a crucial question: Does God still have a place in politics? Following the unexpected death of a favored congressional incumbent, David feels compelled to enter the race, challenging the increasing efforts to remove religious influence from public policy. Facing off against state senator Peter Kane, a formidable opponent determined to create greater division by pushing religion out of the public square, David must navigate the treacherous waters of modern politics, where his faith, optimism, and principles are put to the ultimate test. As he confronts adversaries from his past and faces relentless scrutiny, David’s campaign becomes a beacon of hope for many who yearn for spiritual and moral leadership in a divided nation. God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust explores the enduring relevance of faith in public life and the fight to keep religious values at the heart of governance.”

With all that said, I dedicate my review of “God’s Not Dead; In God We Trust” to the entire Church, including every denomination and sect.

To the pastors, ministers, deacons, vicars, bishops, elders, priests, or whatever title one holds in his or her denomination; you all have to realize that you cannot and must not sit back blithely and simply expect God to handle the massive leadership crisis we face.  Of course, He could if He chose to, however He expects His children to be engaged and be His hands and feet.

While it is easy for me to offer my own opinion regarding who should lead us and how, and this review should leave little doubt who that is, I would never suggest that any pastor tell their flock WHO to vote for.  However, all of you church leaders can and must rally the body and ask them to take inventory of their core values, and then take a very hard look at the platform of each party and every candidate at every level of government, and especially the presidential candidates, and see how those platforms align with their firmly held principles and values.  Your 501 (c) (3) won’t fall into jeopardy, but even if it does, and depending upon who gets in, it might anyway; it’s better to lose that than watch our nation’s legacy be cast into oblivion. 

I don’t think the producers of the movie or anyone else really has to explain how serious the world condition is, but just like they did in the movie, really consider the important issues.  Realize what’s at stake which includes:

Sanctity of life……….Support of Israel……….Our economy is crumbling along with the rest of the world economies, which has a lot to do with our own upcoming election… 

Interest rates are making home ownership nearly impossible……….Cost of fuel and basic necessities are through the roof…

The courts are being stacked at every level with leftist operatives who are shredding the Constitution and all of our God given rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights on a daily basis…  

The spread of cancerous wokism and everything it breeds is almost at crisis levels……….The “child” of wokism, transgenderism, is infiltrating the schools and culture…

Our very sovereignty is threatened as our borders have become open gateways for our enemies who are unleashing havoc that mostly goes under-reported… 

Our military is becoming little more than an armed social experiment……….Our legal system has become a tool of the left to wage war against political opponents…

Law enforcement has become compromised at the highest levels to the point that a former president without qualified protection was recently almost assassinated …

Most people have become completely mistrusting of the integrity of our election system, which is getting worse with every cycle…

The deep state is controlling us with leftist agendas to include……….Manipulating and poisoning our food supplies……….Creating diseases and mandating “cures”……….Green new deals that impoverish everyone… 

Individually, many of us in the body are trying to do the right thing; however, corporately as a nation, we have thrown God out of the public square.  In the name of convenience, we continue to sacrifice His babies to molech on the altar of abortion, and we embrace every vile thing that His Word admonishes us against, and then we wonder why we are in the state we find ourselves in…?! 

I could go on, but I think you catch my drift; and don’t kid yourself, everything I just mentioned and a whole lot more is on the ballot.

Starting with the Church leadership, we need to vote, and we need to discuss the “taboo” subject of politics with our neighbors and friends.

To you who sit in the pews, sanctuaries, meeting halls, gymnasiums, living rooms, or wherever you gather for worship and fellowship, please understand that I get it.  No candidate will ever be 100% in line with everything you/we might like to see, but as long as the most critical issues line up, the candidate whose position differs 10 or 20 percent of the time is still someone who agrees 80 or 90 percent of the time, and that cannot be discounted.  Not to mention that it is a sight better than the reverse of that.

Clearly, the most critical issues of the day, many of which I mentioned, are all directly tied to our faith, and those issues need to trump whatever personal distaste you might have.  Consider this.  If you are in an accident and lying in the gutter, bleeding and broken, maybe near death, and in desperate need of attention; do you really care if the EMS who attends to you is known for being a sometimes obnoxious, rough around the edges, foul mouthed, braggart..?!  As far as I’m concerned, as long as that EMS has a proven record and can patch me up, there is no contest.

I will even concede here that no political leader or government can completely turn the ship around because at the end of the day, mankind, led by the deception and direction of the enemy, is only good at creating messes and we are dreadful at fixing them.  I might add, as most in the Church recognize, none of us knows the hour, however we are very close to the culmination of a God sized mess that got started way back in Genesis, and we need to focus on God and install leaders who will be guided by His Word.

Which leads me back to the movie and what we need to do as His hands and feet.  

There are a staggering fifty-five million Christians who either don’t vote or are unregistered, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize how much of an impact it would make if even half of those numbers changed between today and November 5, 2024.

America, along with the rest of the world, is at a defining moment in history, and we have seen devastating declines in every major area, the core of which is turning our collective back on God. 

Just maybe, if we elect some God honoring men and women as depicted in this movie and have an earnest revival in these final trying days before His imminent return, we might receive His Blessings once again, if only temporarily. Until His Glorious Return, we in the body of Christ must never give up and we must continue to share the message of the Gospel no matter what, and more than anything else, “they” desperately want to stop us from doing that.  In short, and at risk of sounding like a meme, the only way to Make America Great Again, is to Make America Godly Again. 

To wrap this up, this is a movie you don’t want to miss, and an election that none of us can afford to miss, and everyone needs to get out and vote on election day, IN PERSON.

To learn more about “God’s Not Dead; In God We Trust,” and view the trailer, click here.