Assaulting the 2nd Amendment in Missouri merely a test

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Like many of you, I had a lot of unpleasant visceral reactions when I first heard that the State of Missouri has joined the fray of the day and introduced a bit of serious anti-gun legislation which essentially involves a confiscation program with a 90 day window for owners of ‘assault weapons’ to voluntarily turn them in or face becoming a criminal for not doing so.  

I got angry for about 10 seconds, then I thought about it, did some very quick investigating, and decided to call it what it and all of the other recent anti-gun hysteria is in my opinion, just another test by a government body to see how far they can go with pushing an agenda.  

Missouri is not exactly what one might call a ‘liberal’ state and the partisan make-up of its legislature pretty much proves that out.  In both the House and Senate of Missouri, Republicans hold the overwhelming majority, and the egregious anti-gun legislation introduced was, not surprisingly, co-sponsored by two of the very minority democrats.  Mind you, the Governor, Jay Nixon is also a democrat and I imagine he very probably would sign such a bill should it ever reach his desk; which it won’t, at least not as it is currently written.

However, here is where the test part comes in.  Unless one is completely vacant between the ears, the extreme anti-gun agenda of the president and his minions should be very clear.  So maybe, just maybe, Republican stronghold Missouri was specifically selected by the White House to test the waters with such an far reaching bill to see first of all how much resistance arose from We the People, (which they will lie about and down play anyway) and also to see how much give and take might be allowed by a majority of Republicans.  The thought being that if they could gain any ground or compromise at all in such a state, it should be a relative breeze in any state with less of a Republican majority.  Essentially, they are looking to see how far they can run with such a ball when surrounded by the ‘enemy.’  It will also give them a good gauge of how far they can go with such a bill in a Democrat stronghold.  

This is not a new tactic either; the left uses it all the time to chip away at the foundational blocks of society while they push the items of their liberal agenda, and they constantly barrage us with a ton of mostly useless information on every issue, and a whole lot more minutia in an effort to keep us confused and off balance, (think ‘Overton Window’).  Utilizing this tactic, a lot of stuff has sneaked by in the shuffle leaving us in a tattered state, and we’re finally starting to wonder what the hell happened to our rights and our great nation.

In that light, it is critical that the voices of reason be heard and send the message that We the People won’t stand for any more erosion of our precious 2nd Amendment and all of the other rights that it ensures; because without it, the rest will fall like dominoes. 

As a quick side note, I think it is important to discuss the very real issue of so called ‘assault weapons.’  Putting aside for a moment that the term ‘assault weapon’ is an invention of the left and the media, let’s understand that through the ages any armament of the day could have been considered as an ‘assault weapon.’  

Before the invention of gunpowder and firearms, the bow and arrow, swords, battle axes, iron mace, whips, and many other implements of death were in use.  Some of them may sound almost laughable by today’s standards; however, in the hands of anyone with even minimal skill or training, any of those very deadly weapons could have and likely did get used by single individuals bent on mayhem, to kill many unarmed people very rapidly.  The key there is that their victims would have been unarmed and therefore unable to protect and defend themselves.  

Additionally, there has never been a time when a ruler or ruling body, intent on the total submission of the populace, didn’t attempt to dis-arm that populace in order to affect total control.  Those attempts have always been under the guise of making people safer when in fact the only people rendered safer where those that confiscated the weapons.

It is critical to understand that our Founders knew this all too well, and that is exactly why they wrote the 2nd Amendment into the Bill of Rights.  They understood that King George III was already trying to confiscate their muskets, which were the high tech ‘assault weapons’ of that day, in an attempt to quell any possible insurrection that might be brewing, and they envisioned that one-day, the new government they were engineering could fall under a similarly extreme and overly powerful government or even a handful of usurpers.  

In spite of viewpoints to the contrary, the 2nd Amendment had and has little or nothing to do with hunting, and had everything to do with protection from an over-reaching tyrannical government.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to make sure that any local, state, or federal government fails such tests from now on.  We owe it to those that shed their blood to give us this country, and we owe it to those that will inherit her.