Ralph Reed wows Wellington

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Local News

Faith and Freedom Coalition Founder and President Ralph Reed was greeted to a warm reception this evening hosted by the Palms West Republican Club along with co-hosts from the Palm Beach Faith & Freedom Coalition, Today's Federated Republican Women's Club, Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County, Delray Beach Republican Club, Jupiter Tequesta Republican Organization, Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches, The South Florida 9-12, Catholic Outreach, and Veterans and Military Families Outreach.

The event was held at the Binks Forest Country Club and Mr. Reed delivered his message of what the Republican Party needs to accomplish if it hopes to win back the White House in 2016, and loosely speculated on how and why President Obama’s second term will likely be a disaster.

He touched on three specific areas that he believes might prove catastrophic; the sluggish economy which is affecting everything including jobs and what’s really going on with the sequestering due to the continued debt, the uncertainty of how the attack in Benghazi was handled and how that might play out, and how portions of Obamacare will be decided in SCOTUS.

He also discussed how the Republican Party must catch up to the other side with regards to early campaigning, outreach to sub-groups, and a lot more, and he brought up how President Reagan was able to reach not a majority, but enough of those sub-groups to win the election.

He closed his comments by making the point that sometimes it’s not what you say that matters so much as how you say it.  It’s a point well taken and one this reporter feels everyone can learn from.  

Ralph Reed is a man on a mission, and that mission is restoring America.