This, That, and The Other Thing

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on up in DC?  I’ve been collecting my thoughts lately and I can’t help but notice that the priorities of our branches of government are just a tad out of sync.

The big news of the day is SCOTUS looking at DOMA and gay marriage.  You might ask, “David, don’t you think it’s an important issue and care about the outcome?”  Sure I do; however it would seem to me that we as a nation have much more pressing matters to concern ourselves with.

I realize that no one likely gives a furry rats butt what I think; however in no particular order, I’ve decided to list and briefly touch on what I consider to be a handful of the weightier issues.  

Let’s start with our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; they are under assault from every faction of the left, and from top to bottom.  

Instead of looking at hard facts to the contrary of their unsupportable positions and agendas, the political and entertainment elitists are openly doing their level best to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights; NYC Mayor Bloomberg is no longer content to trample just on the rights of thirsty New Yorkers, he now wants to take his brand of control on the road.  The celebrities in LaLaLand are joining the band wagon, and scores of them are coming out to voice their opinions.  While they have the right to do so, We the People have the right to not patronize whatever they bring to the world of entertainment, be it movies, music, etc.  To all of them I say, “Molon Labe.”

We were told the ‘sequester’ would, will, and is necessitating across the board cuts while they continue to waste our tax dollars by sending vast fortunes in aid, to name a few, to the likes of Somalia, ($760M plus) Egypt, (many billions, plus tanks and planes) the PA, ($500M); while dumping on our only friend in the region.  Just the other day I saw that they spent several hundred thousand on a study of Duck penises; no really, you can’t make this stuff up!  And let’s not forget that Joe Biden thinks it’s just fine and dandy to spend a cool half a million for a night on the town in Paris recently.  

Our borders continue to be porous, and we continue to spend untold billions to provide free housing, food, medical, tuition, etc. to illegals.  This on a warped parallel with We the People via the government owning vast lands and tens of thousands of properties while many of our veterans go hungry and homeless.  Shameful, unnecessary, and very expensive.   

We have good men like Lt. Michael Behenna and S/Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who are POWs; the former a prisoner of the p/c war at home; and the latter a prisoner of the war abroad.  Both of these men and many others are pawns in a world-wide political chess game that we are losing.

Dennis Rodman’s new No. Korean buddy ‘Kimshee’ Jong un is very loudly threatening us, and mustering his troops on the highest level of alert and readiness not far from the 38th parallel; and in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadine ’jihad’ continues to enrich Uranium while threatening Israel.  While I’m at it, let’s not forget that the Chi/coms have already put a huge Aircraft Carrier to sea with others being built; all of which we are paying for by buying their stuff.  Now I realize that most of my readers are intelligent enough to understand the implication of those Aircraft Carriers; but for those that aren’t, Carriers are OFFENSIVE weapons….you think about that for a bit, especially if you have children.

Moving right along, we have numerous terror cells scattered throughout the U.S. in various locations; cair, sharia law and islam continue to infiltrate our society; and DHS is continuing to purchase outrageous stockpiles of hollow point ammunition, high capacity weapons, (the kind they don’t want us to have) and thousands of armored Humvees.  Interesting how Janet Napolitano won’t answer why that is.

The ‘affordable’ health care law, (aka “ObamaCare”) is forcing many companies to either hire only part time help or in some cases, shut down altogether.

We continue to allow the slaughter of about 3500 or so unborn babies every day…EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

Our already very shaky currency is an OPEC Sheik’s bad mood or Falafel fart away from being virtually worthless; we are not allowed to sufficiently tap our own unlimited supplies of energy resources, which not only hurts us at the pump, it is also a huge National Security issue.

Our president is nominating every anti-American cretin he can find for the most critical posts such as Secretary of State, CIA Director, and Secretary of Defense, while he himself goes completely unchallenged on every issue, and not even the most ‘conservative’ members of Congress or SCOTUS will grow a set and open the doors to weigh the evidence against his eligibility in the first place.  I’ll probably get ostracized for that comment, but I refuse to see how it’s not an issue with the mounting evidence showing his origins are at very least questionable, and at very worst criminal.

There’s a whole lot more going on domestically and internationally that space doesn’t permit; real bad stuff, some worse than others, but all that the media and SCOTUS are concerned with is the issue of gay marriage, which is supposed to be a 10th Amendment issue that each state decides in the first place?!

Call me a right wing nut job if you will, however I can’t help but wonder what’s really going on while they have us mesmerized watching this bouncing ball, dog and pony show.  Other than all that, I’m good.  

Wake up America!