Remembering 9/11

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

As I began writing this and reviewed the photos of that day, all of the memories and emotion came back, and I could barely hold back the familiar tears as I remembered again what was for most people the worse day in US History.  

It was the second time we’d been attacked in such an egregious manner, the first time being Pearl Harbor; but this was much different and much worse.  When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they were attacking an armed military installation, and even though it was a sneak attack, we at least had the potential to get a few shots off and fight back.  On 9/11, our new enemy; the same cowardly people that blew up our Marine Barracks in Lebanon, committed the first bombing of the WTC, attacked the USS Cole, and lots of other ‘minor’ attacks before and since, flew two hijacked planes into unarmed, non-military targets with innocent men, women, and children inside of them.  More than likely aiming for the White House, they flew another hijacked plane into the Pentagon, and were deterred from causing more damage when their fourth hijacked plane was over taken by passengers on Flight 93 over Shanksville, PA.  

No one alive and of age on that fateful day twelve years ago will ever forget where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news that our nation was being viciously attacked.  I was working in my office in Hingham, MA and heard that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.  We didn’t have a television in the office at that time, and my initial thought was that perhaps an accident had occurred such as when a bomber flew into the Empire State Building back in 1945.  Shortly thereafter, my thoughts of an accident dashed when news came of the second plane, and I realized that we were under attack. 

I called home to my son who I knew would be sleeping and told him to turn on the TV. From that frozen moment in time, me, my son, and the rest of the world stopped and watched in stunned horror as our world turned a corner that should have forever changed how we look at this enemy.  Instead, in the name of political correctness and tolerance by some in our culture, we find ourselves twelve years down the road kowtowing to the same people that committed these evil acts and have committed countless more since.

To be very blunt, we were attacked that day by 19 very evil men, who at the direction and behest of their ‘al queda’ leader, Osama bin Laden, willfully and with glee, used the planes they hijacked to commit mass murder on a wholesale level while chanting “allahu akbar.”  For anyone such as Senator John McCain that might be confused as to what that term means; it translates to “our god is greater.”  Watch any video of a public beheading being perpetrated by these vile animals and you will hear that familiar and evil chant…”allahu akbar.”  

Last year, on the anniversary of that infamous day, our embassy in Benghazi was attacked, and our Ambassador, Christopher Stevens was violently killed along with Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.  This occurred after multiple pleas of help from Ambassador Stevens.  Accusations continue to fly, and a year after the slaughter, we are still left with far more questions than answers.

Added to all of that, here we are, a year later; our president and his administration not only have refused to clear the air on what happened in Benghazi, they have been attempting to blind side We the People with a new distraction in Syria.  As a brief synopsis of that distraction, I offer the following.  

While there is little question that someone used poison gas on someone else in Syria, no one knows for sure who gassed whom, however we do know this; the Assad Government which is allied with Russia is no friend of ours, and the rebels, (mostly made up of al queda and the muslim brotherhood) also despise us.  Because of the stated loyalties of our president, we have provided those same rebels with arms and money, I might add, the same type of arms that this president would deny We the People.  Taking sides with either of the two factions in their civil war makes absolutely no sense until we realize that Obama wrote “…I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”  The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of ‘The Audacity of Hope.’  

In case anyone missed it, the clear point I am trying to make is this.  We have been attacked repeatedly since our Marine Barracks in Lebanon was blown up; anyone who didn’t think we had a problem should have gotten a major wake-up call on 9/11/01 and since.  Instead, seven years after that attack, we elected a man to the highest office in the land whose writings warned us in advance where his loyalty was, and ever since assuming office, he has embarrassed that office and endangered us by bowing to the Saudi king, (a muslim) appointing muslims to high positions in his administration, sending arms and money to the muslim brotherhood who have sworn to destroy us.  Last year our embassy was attacked by muslims and the administration initially tried to blame it on a video and has since been dancing around the issue, and now we are siding with and arming rebels who we have video of eating the organs of fallen enemies. 

We are in trouble America!  We have been and are being infiltrated at every level by the very people who attacked us twelve years ago.  Inexplicably, both houses of Congress are kowtowing to a man they know sides with our enemies.  We the People owe it to every one of the 3000 victims of 9/11/01 to stand up and say no more.  We cannot afford to let our ‘leaders’ forget that they all swore an oath to “defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.”

As I bring this to a close, let me acknowledge and salute all of our men and women in uniform.  Thank you all for what you do every day to ensure my right to put forth my thoughts and ideas.  Additionally, as I write this, hundreds of thousands of men and women are descending upon Washington DC on motorcycles to peacefully counter a ‘million man march’ set up by muslims to protest what they perceive as “anti-muslim” sentiment since 9/11/01.  

To the ‘million muslims’ that have chosen the anniversary of that day to dishonor the 3000 innocent American souls murdered by your brethren chanting ‘allahu akbar’ on 9/11/01 and the countless others around the globe since, all I can say is that you have no shame and you are despicable.

To the bikers, let me say that I am with you, and I salute and honor you in this endeavor; God speed to you all.

On this solemn day, in honor of those lost on 9/11/01, 9/11/12, our military, and all the bikers descending upon Washington, I ask everyone to recite our Pledge of Allegiance.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”  

God bless you all, and God bless these United States of America.