Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Florida News

On a recent visit to Ft. Lauderdale, FL I happened to be driving down Sunrise Blvd. and my eye caught something in a storefront window.  The store, 'hustler hollywood' is displaying a vertically hung US Flag which is backwards, (that is to say, the union is on the top right).  Worse and much more troubling than that; hanging right next to it is a mockery to our flag and nation, and to all those that have defended them.

Our beautiful flag, the 'Stars and Stripes,’ 'Old Glory’ has once again been disrespected and defaced in a big way.  What I’m referring to specifically is what can best be described as a 'gay flag;’ what they’ve done is replace the red and white stripes with a 'rainbow.’  As the photo shows, the stars are where they would normally be.

Before anyone decides to accuse me of 'gay bashing’ or anything like that, let me be 100% clear, this has nothing to do with being gay or not being gay.  This is about respecting and honoring the Flag of the United States of America, and I would expect that gay people and every proud American should be as offended by this as I am.  

Several months ago, a similar and no less despicable defacing of our flag was committed in at a Democratic HQ in Central Florida; in that incident, the Stars were replaced with an image of President Obama.  No alteration of our Flag is acceptable; not to support a politician, a political agenda, a cause, or anything else.

Some may say that the store and company have done nothing illegal and have the right to display and sell such an item, and to be honest, they probably do since I cannot find a specific 'law’ against it.  However, while they might have the right to do so, it begs the question of “is it right to do so?"  I dare say it is not and I believe that every patriotic American, Soldier, and Veteran will agree and join me in my rightful outrage over this.  I might add that while not exactly the 'law,' there is a written code which describes proper respect and etiquette, and it may be found at the following site:  

Once there, let me bring your attention to CRS page 7 which discusses sub-section 8, (respect clause); where it says in no uncertain terms, “(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”

My friends, we are the United States of America, not the United States of any special interest group or agenda, and it is time that right thinking individuals stand up and say “enough.”

When I contacted the store, I was referred to their corporate offices and spoke with a man named Colin.  That was a couple of weeks ago.  Before going to press, I drove by again to see if they’d taken any action to remove the display, and as of press time, they had not.     

I will end this diatribe by restating the title which is a borrowed quote from President Reagan and changed to fit the circumstance.  To Mr. Larry Flynt of Hustler, Inc.….”TEAR DOWN THAT FLAG!”