Candidate Obama, " prices will necessarily skyrocket."

Written by Fox News on . Posted in Politics

Publisher's note:  Back in 2008, when the only thing people cared about was that a mostly black guy was running for president, and they didn't bother to listen to what he had to say; then candidate Obama infamously stated, "...under my plan, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."  If they did hear the comment, they might have figured, "oh well, it's worth a few extra bucks to have a black guy in office," or something like that.  What they didn't and don't understand is that it's not just a 'few extra bucks' for's a LOT of extra bucks for electricity and energy.  Which means, it's a lot of extra money for everything; food, clothing, housing, gasoline, heating and cooling, EVERYTHING!  Everything that is except yours and my pocket.  

Now that he is comfortably seated in his second term, he and his administration have for a while been steadily closing in on fulfilling that 'promise' by attacking the coal industry via over regulation designed to put them out of business.   Couple this burden with the already back breaking costs and/or fines of Obama Care, and it is clear that he will accomplish what our enemies have failed to do since our inception....DESTROY OUR NATION.

Fox News:  Far below the Appalachian Mountains, in a space barely big enough to stand up straight, Bobby Combs works a job his father and his grandfather worked. 

Coal-mining is the highest-paying job available to him in eastern Kentucky. As he skillfully maneuvers a massive machine and rips into a seam of coal, though, Combs wonders if the family tradition ends with him. 

"It's not looking good," he says, dirt smudging his face. 

Coal has come under the crosshairs of the Obama administration in the push to transition to renewable energy sources. Coal mines are burdened with a never-ending stream of federal regulations. 

The owner of the mine where Combs works said the cost of getting coal out of the ground has tripled. For him, that means job insecurity. 

"It seems like everything on the coal industry is under siege, everything is under attack," he said. 

Many miners, particularly in Appalachia, have labeled the administration's policies the War on Coal. "I just believe the Obama administration has taken a huge impact on the coal industry and Appalachia. Anymore, you just never know from day to day if you are going to have a job or not," said miner Phillip Conley. 

When he was a candidate, President Obama made it clear he was not a friend to coal. In 2008, he told the editorial board at the San Francisco Chronicle: "If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that's being emitted." 

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