The Big Apple has a communist core!

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Since its opening, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time at the So. Florida Fair this year.  The lights, the sights, and the sounds are all very cool.  The people watching is great, and there’s lots of fun stuff to do.  My favorite thing this year has been the sand sculpture in the main pavilion.

Just an amazing work of art has been created from simple sand and water depicting multiple scenes from NYC.  From the prominently centered Statue of Liberty to some of the well-known skyscrapers and bridges, right down to the Wall St. Bull, Broadway, the subway, and a cab.  It’s all there; all the things we associate with NYC!

While I watched the sculptors sculpt and smooth, and do all of the things needed to create such a piece, I talked to them just a bit and asked what would become of it after the Fair was done.  Simply put; by virtue of it being nothing more than sand and water, it will be unceremoniously scooped onto dump trucks and hauled away to wherever the sand is needed.  Temporarily beautiful for a moment and then gone…done!

And then the irony hit me!  For all of its problems, NYC is, or at least was, a beautiful city with lots to offer. However, under the recent city administrations and now the newly seated mayor, NYC has transformed itself into a city made of sand and water, and just like the sand sculpture it is destined to collapse.  

Here’s why!  NYC has just finished the illegal and contentious third term reign of Michael Bloomberg, a very liberal, socialist leader that for much of his tenure he was overly pre-occupied with his desire to dis-arm all Americans.  All the while being protected by a gaggle of armed to the teeth security, I might add.

Enter Barack Obama’s dream come true; Bill DiBlasio, the man that will no doubt be scooping up many of the headlines while Obama and his minions use those distractions to continue their destruction of America.  Frankly, I expected NYC to elect another wishy-washy liberal, (independent or democrat) with socialist leanings; however the voters have outdone themselves this time by electing an avowed communist.  By the way, that isn’t just a bunch of hype; even the Washington Times has his number.

Since all the failed socialist policies didn’t work, I guess they figured, “…what the heck, let’s give full blown communism a shot.”  I’m guessing that either there are no refugees from Cuba or China, or even the ‘old’ Soviet Union living up there, or they’ve been very silent; because I sure didn’t hear anyone sounding the alarm bells about this guy and his ideology.  Socialism always softens the path for its big brother Communism.

A simple Google search of this guy should have sounded as many alarms as checking the president’s credentials should have done back before the election of 2008.  In both cases, neither man would pass even the most basic FBI background check for access to either of their respective offices, but there they sit, elected by foolish lemmings that won’t do even a modicum of research before pulling the lever in the voting booth.  

New York, you’ve been duped by lots of wolves with sheep’s skins over the years, however this time the wolf wasn’t even attempting to hide his true colors.  Although his tenure may only last a term, he will set things in motion that will see NYC wash out to sea like one really big sand sculpture.  Socialism always softens the path for its big brother Communism, and NYC has been softening for a long time. God help them.