Cliven Bundy...minor Hoof 'in' Mouth Disease

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Cliven Bundy is a rancher; he works around other ranchers and cattle, and until very recently has probably not been much of a public anything, let alone a public speaker.  Therefore, I believe it safe to say that he isn’t real smooth with his words.

I don’t know Mr. Bundy, and I don’t expect that I ever will.  However, while he obviously lacks polish, it seems to me that he didn’t state anything different than a lot of other people, including myself when it comes to the ‘plight’ of minorities.  

In a nutshell, I don’t think anyone would argue that one of the darkest chapters of America’s history was the era of slavery.  However, no one that knows history should fail to see the similarities between the Cotton, Tobacco, and other plantations of old to the dark chapter of Government Welfare Plantations. 

In the former, those in bondage were held on the plantations with literal whips and chains, and provided with just enough shelter and sustenance to stay alive; it became such a way of life, that many were fiercely loyal to their ‘masters’ for the provisions they had.  

In the latter, those in bondage are held by the metaphorical whips and chains of various programs including just enough shelter and sustenance to stay alive, and it has become such a way of life that many are fiercely loyal to their ‘new masters’ for the provision they have.  

The only real difference is the boundaries of the plantation.  The ‘masters’ are the same and use the same methods of control.  The slaves; old and new, have all been bought with any combination of money, food, shelter, and now cell phones and votes.  The resulting bondage to the ‘masters’ is the same.

That’s what I think Mr. Bundy was probably trying to say.  Sadly, because he now has a huge target on his back, Mr. Bundy is going to be demonized anyway the ‘master’ can find, and this was a prime example.

Be careful Cliven Bundy.