Why are American Jews so anti-Jew?

Written by Gail Appel on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher’s note:  Among my other sources of informative and insightful content are friends I have made along the way on the various Social Media outlets.  They are a diverse group and they make for an amazing cross section of ideas and perspectives.  

Gail Appel is one of the best examples of that.  Being a conservative Jew, she is a rare commodity and is as bright and articulate as she is drop dead gorgeous.  In her very brief synopsis, Gail offers a great answer to a question that boggles the minds of non-Jewish conservatives everywhere.

Gail Appel:  The answer to the six year question, “Gail, what the hell is wrong with your people (Jews)?” I finally have the answer. Most of us were brought up to believe that we were hated by Christians. We had never really heard of Islam. Because we were not welcomed with open arms into the Country Club sector. I used to wonder why, albeit I never really cared .This abject idiotic mentality was exacerbated by not reaching out beyond our insular community. We did ourselves an extreme injustice.

My mother remarried a Conservative Jew who was totally outside the boxed in mindset. Last year I posited that the anti-Semitism was likely based upon partisan ideology and he answered, “You know, I never really thought of it that way". Subsequently, I became fascinated by the Republican support of American ideals and Israel. My stepfather was the first to realize the impending Christian genocide.

Last night, I surfed the net regarding Billy Graham and anti-Semitism. I mean, he was the poster child for Jew hating, right? WRONG ! He was a staunch Zionist and a dear friend and supporter of Golda Meir. Leftist Jews and the liberal media were seen as supporters of Communism. Most of us were too stupid to see the leftist agenda. Too many are still blind. So I ask my isolated by lack of curiosity supposed brethren, how is that socialist thing working out for you? The Israel bashing and support of the people who despise you? Are you blind to what is happening in neo-nazi Europe? The Jews fleeing to Israel as they are forced to evacuate? And if Israel succumbs, indeed, you will have been the architects of your own demise.