Tragedy and the 2nd Amendment Debate

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

As I focused with many of you over the tragedy of the recent shootings in Colorado, I noticed without hesitation the discussion quickly turn from the news breaking horror to the sadness of those lost or injured and then to gun control.  Without fail each time something of this nature happens, those opposed to our 2nd Amendment rights come out in full force with their view of 'no guns - no shootings'.  I firmly denounce this kind of thought process and wholeheartedly defend the 'right of the people to keep and bear arms'.


I have been shooting guns since I was four years of age either in the capacity of hunting or target practice, with a little skeet shooting for sport thrown into the mix.  I have a concealed weapons permit and believe it is my right to protect and defend myself as per the laws of the state of Florida where I reside.  I obey the law and am accountable for my gun ownership and use.  So please explain to me why I should be punished for the crimes of another individual who does not and chooses to murder innocent people?  You don't take my car keys when my neighbor gets a speeding ticket.  Oh, I know some will argue that isn't the same thing.  Well really because a vehicle has the power to take lives too, so I debate along these lines.


I am tired of those who use the recent tragedy as their rally cry for gun control.  The actions of one unstable or evil individual are not reason to violate the constitutional rights of the Americans whose gun ownership and use are perfectly legal and who are responsible citizens.  Deranged individuals are not new to our society, and I am certain the future holds a few more to come forward and commit criminal acts.  However, I firmly believe that in any given situation where my life is threatened and the other person means to do me harm, I have a constitutional and legal right to defend myself.  Guns don't fire all by themselves and bullets do not magically load themselves into a gun - it takes a person.  None of us can predict what makes someone fall off the sociological cliff and turn violent to the point of committing a murder, but let's punish the criminal not the compliant citizen who owns a gun and has never even considered a crime.