Tick tock, "Clock Boy" is baaaaack...!

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

As if there isn’t enough real stuff to worry about…everyone’s favorite sniveling little tick, aka ”clock boy,” aka Ahmed Mohammed is back like a bad penny.  It seems that the smirky little cockroach and his smirky cockroach family aren’t content with the damage they already did a few months back, before his very well-known muslim activist dad decided to relocate the whole brood to Qatar.  Good place for them, if not far enough away in my humble opinion; but I digress. 

In case you missed it, back in September, Ahmed, no doubt prompted/forced by his dad, tore apart an older alarm clock and re-assembled it using a pencil box as a frame.  When he brought the contraption, which he claimed to have built, wires hanging out and all to school, it rightfully caused a bit of a ruckus.  

To be clear, in spite of the assertions of this very little man and his family, it didn’t cause a ruckus because of anything else except that it very closely resembled a home-made bomb.  Anyone with half a functioning brain can see that very clearly.

So now he’s back in the spotlight; not to apologize for putting his school and classmates at risk; not to apologize for putting the nation at additional risk because now most school administrators will be afraid to question whenever anyone named “Ahmed” brings such an ominous looking device to school.  No…he and his family are back because somehow, in the bizarre, upside down world of political correctness we live in, they are demanding an apology and a total of $15M from the Irving, TX authorities.  The demands come with threats including all sorts of civil suits if the town does not comply.

The letter from his attorneys states:

“Let’s face it, if Ahmed’s clock were 'Jennifer’s clock,’ and if the pencil case were ruby red bedazzled with a clear rhinestone skull and crossbones on the cover, this would never have happened,” 

Nothing could be further from the truth.  First of all the parents of a “Jennifer” or “Johnny” would probably not have allowed their child to leave the house with such an ominous looking device, however if they did, their child might very well have been rightfully arrested.  As I mentioned in my original thoughts on this incident, we live in a day and age when a student was suspended for chewing a pop tart into the general shape of what some agenda driven morons thought looked like a pistol; and they locked down the school.

But let some little turdling named “Ahmed” do a dry run and reconstruct a bunch of clock parts in a way that they actually resemble something that could do harm, and suddenly he’s being discriminated against because he happens to be a muslim; because God only knows that no muslims have done anything to raise suspicions in the last 1400 years or so.

That’s really all the time I wish to devote to this stain on society and his family.  Final note though to Ahmed and his family; do you need any help packing, and would you mind taking a whole lot of your brethren with you…?!