XX or XY, We Are What We Are

on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher’s note:  I have many friends and acquaintances on the various social media.  One of those friends, Sybele Capezzutti, has an amazing ability to size up some of the many issues that are continually thrust upon our culture, and reduce them down to the simplest of terms.  She has done it again with this very brief synopsis on the subject of “gender fluidity.” 

Sybele Capezzutti:  Let it be known that the party that rejects religion because it is not based on science embraces gender identity as a feeling while rejecting it as the simple science of XX and XY.

I have absolutely no problem with how you identify yourself (I love my friends for who they are), but when the government decides to remove science from the school books and ignore it in order to teach gender identity as a feeling, they are going against science and robbing our children from proper education. It is not their job to impose social acceptance by ignoring science.

And by the way...gender is not fluid either! Even my gay friends have a problem with people that swing in every direction; they are confused, not fluid.

You can change whatever you want on the outside and your chromosomes will still be XX or XY, any other combination is a mutation and rare.

How you identify will never make it possible for a XX to produce sperm and a XY to produce eggs and carry a baby.

I can identify as a cat and that will not change my DNA so I can become a cat, not that hard to understand! 

I'm all for social acceptance, but let's not mess with our children's education and rob them from facts in order to promote a political agenda.

All the government is doing is creating a generation that is even less informed and more confused than the last...thus much easier to control and manipulate. WAKE UP!