Marching For Bad Choices...

Written by Sybele Capezzutti on . Posted in Sybele On The Level

The "Women's March" taking place today is being sponsored by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, both which claim to protect women's reproductive rights, which is a scrubbed term to make abortion sound like something positive.

I'm not known for being completely against abortion, there are cases where I do believe (with a heavy heart) that it should be accessible legally.  I am though, 100% against it being government funded.

It is not anyone's responsibility but your own to pay for your decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy when there are several birth control methods that would have avoided killing an unborn baby! And while we are at it....what about the fathers?  Why do we make them responsible for a child's financial burden in case of a divorce but completely ignore their participation in producing that child in the case of an abortion?

None of the abortions performed by Planned Parenthood is the result of a situation where the life of the mother is at risk, so I ask you...if PP is so concerned with women's health, why aren't they spending their money on preventing instead of terminating pregnancies? Do they even bother to teach women the health consequences of an abortion? Of course they don't, abortion is a very profitable business.

When a pregnancy must be terminated due to health by doctor's recommendation, it becomes a medical procedure like any other and covered by one's health plan.  The difference between an abortion that is covered and one that isn't is the same of breast implants which are covered after a mastectomy and not covered for aesthetic reasons.

It breaks my heart to see so many women completely misled by these money hungry organizations who cleverly coined the term "reproductive rights" in order to recruit an army of volunteer soldiers to march in their behalf so they can keep profiting from procedures that not only are not a right but also damages their reproductive system, sometimes irreversibly.  

They talk about "abortion on demand" like if it was a movie that you select on pay per view and they want the tax payers to fund it!  And to the politicians on the pro-life are not helping either!

What about some legislation to make adoption a better alternative?  What about making birth control pills available over the counter like in other countries and at a low cost?  Making something illegal never kept people who are determined to carry on with their actions stop from going forward, but education and options do work.

The bottom line is that there is no excuse for grown women who are educated to even find themselves in the situation of having to terminate a pregnancy other than in the case of rape or health.

The fact that over 3,000 abortions are performed every day in this Country due to pure negligence is a reflection of how ineffective pro-life groups have been against the money behind powerful organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

You will never hear me trying to make a point on this subject based on religion, I do not believe in imposing my religious beliefs on anyone.  But I will continue to stand firm on three basic principles when it comes to abortion:

1. It is NOT a reproductive right, your reproductive right is to choose not to get pregnant and have ways     to prevent it.

2. It is NOT a women's health issue, pregnancy is not a disease.

3. It is NOT anyone's financial responsibility but your own; you chose to have sex and of of the consequences is pregnancy.

I don't want to pay for your bad choices.