Job Number One For Government Is Safety

Written by Sybele Capezzutti on . Posted in Sybele On The Level

Publisher’s Note:  Sybele Capezzutti is not one to pull any punches and she is righteously upset.  In a few short paragraphs she says what so many are thinking, and I could not agree more.  Enough is enough.

Sybele Capezzutti:  To all the people outraged that Trump blocked the entry of people from terrorist infested areas saying it's isn't.

You know what is unconstitutional?  For the Federal government to fail to protect its Citizens.  You know what else was unconstitutional?  The health care mandate.

Yet I had to hear over and over that people voted for it, so whether I liked it or not I had no choice but to accept it and pay more for my insurance.

You will find no sympathy from me now!  We voted to keep terrorists from coming into the country mixed with the refugees. Your intimidation tactics via protests and anarchy only makes me want to stand my ground even firmer.

All of you thinking you are so much better than everyone else because you want anyone to come to this country without proper vetting are not only detached from reality, you are removing my right to expect my government to keep me and my family safe..!

This is MY country too..!  I want it to be safe, I want it to be prosperous, and I want a better future for my son..!

You want to show that you care about everyone all over the world then quit your job, join a charity, go to the Middle East and do it there..!

Your candidate lost, your turn to accept what you don't like.  I've spent the last 8 years having your Marxist ideology shoved down my throat...NO MORE!

I'm tired of this BS!