A Mid-Term Prayer...

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Politics

I was having a discussion with a friend the other evening who was gracious enough to invite me to his home to study The Word with him and his family.  Tom is a very good and very intelligent guy, and as a solid “C-4”, (Christian, Conservative, Compassionate, Capitalist); is the sort of individual I like associating with.  Anyway, we were discussing the pros and cons of early voting, and that I choose to vote on Election Day, and also how each of us would be voting. 

Among other things, I came away from the conversation with a modified point of view on something.  Normally, I don’t believe in voting “party” just because and, like most Patriots, I take the casting of a vote very seriously.  I reflect upon and consider the countless men and women who sacrificed everything so that we can vote and choose our leaders, and I won’t dishonor them by taking this lightly. 

As a C-4, most of my choices are no brainers, but there is one vote that leaves me cold as my first choice didn’t run and my second choice didn’t win, and I remain very disappointed in the only choice left to me.  I will NEVER vote for a democrat, because while I know the Republicans are far from perfect, I firmly believe that most democrats, (and certainly their leadership) are insane and hell bent on destroying our nation at every level.  I even considered leaving that particular race blank; however, the only thing that I find more gut wrenching than voting for someone I don’t want to see in office is to see my vote either wasted completely or imagining that an unscrupulous poll worker or SOE staffer would complete that vote for me.

All that to say, every vote counts and that I will put my conscience to the side this one time and take one for the RED team and vote the party because We the People, We the Red Tidal Wave MUST do everything in our power to support President Donald J. Trump and turn every local, county, state, and federal seat RED.  If any of my readers find themselves in a similar conscientious position, I urge you to do the same as me; at least this one time, because we must turn out in over-whelming numbers to over-come every trick of the cheating left, to marginalize every voting place which is blocked by armed thugs, and make a statement that the “silent majority” is silent no more and we are taking back our country.

We must all continue to work like it’s all up to us as individuals and pray like it’s all up to Him.  In that light, I will close this by offering a corporate prayer for our election, our leaders, those running for the RED team for the first time, our nation, and for President Donald J. Trump.

Father in Heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Creator of the heavens and earth, we your servants in this nation that you have blessed us with humble ourselves to you in one of the most trying and pivotal times in our history and ask for your Hand in this election.  Father, our enemies are attempting to bring us down as never before; they have infiltrated us at every level of society, they have called right wrong and wrong right, they have attempted to cast you out of the public eye and are even chipping away at eliminating the very mention of you in private.

They are causing civil unrest, acts of violence, and every sort of deceit imaginable.  Men and women who are empowered by the enemy of mankind are rising up against your children and taking us to task simply because we are your children. 
Father, in 2016 you gave us a great leader who honors you and honors your children, and our enemies hate him as they hate no other, and he needs your help and protection.  Father, I believe as many others do that you placed him in leadership as a reprieve and a chance for us to repent and turn back to you.  Father, please send your Angels to protect him and his family, our Vice President and his family, and all of those that President Trump has placed in leadership roles.  Father, let the right men and women be elected who will support this president; protect our courts and let them continue to be filled with men and women who honor you and who will uphold the Constitution which you inspired our Founders to write based upon your Word.  Father, let those seated on our highest court overturn the ruling which has allowed the murder of millions of your unborn babies on the altar of convenience.

Father, we are broken and we can only fix ourselves with your guidance, mercy and grace, so I ask you and I pray that you would pave the way for our continued correction by allowing good men and women to be seated around the nation and help our president fulfill his destiny.

There is so much more, but Father, I just lift up this simple prayer for this nation and ask for your continued blessing over the United States of America. 
Father, I know that not everyone who reads this shares my faith in your Son, but I ask that you hear this plea from your humble servants, presented to you in the matchless name above all names, your Son, Jesus the Christ…