The Jesus Revolution, come as you are…

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Movies/Theatre

If you are a baby boomer, you will remember the “Jesus Freaks” back in the late sixties and early seventies who could be found in airports, train stations, just about every street corner in every city across America, and lots of other places proclaiming the message of Jesus the Christ and the Salvation offered by His Work on the Cross.

The ”movement,” which started in San Francisco, CA, (of all places) swept across America very rapidly during a time of war and cultural upheaval when so many were embracing very hedonistic lifestyles including casual sex, orgies, homosexuality, extreme drug abuse, mysticism, and a whole lot more.  

Indeed, one of the co-founders of that movement by the name of Lonnie Frisbee, leaned upon his own experiences living in that culture and led many out of it while freely indulging his own fleshly lusts in the growing gay community, a situation which he, a married man never repented of and which saw him rightfully ostracized by the very churches and groups he played a major role in organizing, and sadly cost him his life as he succumbed to AIDs in 1992.  

I mention all of the above because I recently had a chance to pre-screen a new movie called, “Jesus Revolution,” which will be released in February, and is about that movement of which Mr. Frisbee was a central character.  Prior to viewing the movie, I had never heard of Mr. Frisbee, however I did do some research and was surprised as well as dismayed at how the movie did not mention his lifestyle.  Given that the point of the movie was to show how, with one exception, God has always used imperfect people to spread His message, I think this issue should have been more transparent because while Lonnie did live an abhorrent lifestyle according to Scripture, he did in fact lead many to salvation.  

That aside, the movie chronicles the humble if rapid growth of that movement and the church, (Calvary Church) which sprang from it and still exists and is growing today.  

It tells the story of another time in America and the world when God showed Himself through fallen men and women and revived the Book of Acts starting in a place called Haight/Ashbury, which mirrors John 1:46, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth..?”

I have to admit that while watching the movie, I had some flashbacks of my own mis-spent youth, and I felt a twinge of shame because, having not found Jesus and my Salvation yet, I was often less than kind to some of those I encountered.  However, I know that every one of those encounters left its mark and planted a seed, because not really long after, I did in fact come to faith and gave my life to Him at the age of twenty-five.

While I think perhaps the movie could have done a little better on total transparency, it was well done with superb acting by Kelsey Grammer and Jonathan Roumie who portrays Jesus in “The Chosen”. 

The movie will leave younger people wondering and asking questions about the hippy element, so it might do well for someone who can remember back to that time to accompany them.

The bigger question for adults will be how successful Calvary Church was and is in spite of Mr. Frisbee’s chosen lifestyle, and also, that those who came to faith then and now should not point to his example and think that it’s okay to continue in blatant sin once saved.  

We are all sinners and nothing can change that.  However, those who have accepted the free gift of Salvation found only in the shed blood of Jesus the Christ have been forgiven of our sins.  And while that is true for all believers, it is critical to point out that Salvation is NOT a license to sin, and His Word admonishes us to turn away from it, I.E., repent. 

This great ministry now called Calvary Church, so tainted by the not talked about, but open secret of one of its founders has managed to prevail and lead countless men and women to faith.  It is important to mention this because He has and does use men and women to accomplish His ends. 

As we look around the world we see a lot of darkness being embraced, however we also see a lot of Light and I truly believe we are about to witness a final, strong revival led by ministries like Calvary Church and a handful of others before the event known as The Rapture and His Triumphant Return after that.

Click here to learn more about the movie “Jesus Revolution”

Click here to find a Calvary Church near you.