Copwatch Training part of the Occupy Schedule

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

     As we move towards the opening days of the RNC, Tampa is gearing up for a welcome week of Republicans as we occupy Tampa from out hotel rooms.  That's right we have reservations and rooms, not tents.  We will enjoy all that Tampa has to offer and supply a boost to the local economy.  While we celebrate the conservative cause the nomination of Mitt Romney, what will the opposing view be doing?  From the looks of the Internet communications, they plan to protest.


According the website the pièce de résistance includes everything from Canning, Preserving & Pickling to Traveling with Medicinal Plants and Copwatch Training.  While I am not certain about the Film Screening: Vote for Jesus I do note that it will be held at Voice of Freedom Park with Vermin Supreme according to the schedule.  And just in case law enforcement has any qualms about this organized group of liberal protestors, they can read the ever-informative press release to law enforcement where it clearly states they are peaceful and not coming to commit acts of violence, because they are after the "Power Elite".  The press release defines clearly whom they come to confront:  Elected Officials and Power Elite.  So if you fall in this category, they have a 'peaceful' bone to pick with you.  I am searching to figure out if all Republicans are Power Elite or do they have a special event in which they designate who is included in this group.


Certain questions come to mind, would I qualify if I had a job, paid my taxes, strive to be the best at anything in life, have a certain amount of competitive spirit?  Or would I be the Power Elite if I were trying to keep the America I know from extinction and capitalism alive and well?  While I have chosen not to attend their themes of Anti-War / Peace Day because I believe in a strong military defense, I am still not certain where to draw the line of power or elite.  And, if I am not up to their absurd standards because 'Code' Pink means my lip gloss is wearing off, not that I should wear a piece of pink tape over my mouth in protest, then call me elite.  By definition it isn't exactly a bad thing and I will never downgrade how hard my grandparents and parents worked to provide an education and an opportunity for me to advance in life.  I am thankful for God's grace every single day that I was born to hard working middle class Americans who built this country in its early economic days.


So while the leftist liberals attend the Foods not Bombs cook off, I will be working hard in support of our Republican nominee.  Occupy the RNC can keep their permaculture and puppetry agenda, we will keep America strong and prosperous.  GOP have a great week in Tampa, proud to be a member and we will see the Romney-Ryan ticket to victory in November.