Strength not Weakness: Foreign Policy & Radical Islam

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

They only respect strength were the words of a political commentator today while discussing the violent murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens and embassy staff members.  Given the barbaric nature of radical Muslims who daringly stormed a US Embassy and committed horrific acts of violence and murder, I will wholeheartedly agree.


The notion that these individuals were somehow offended by a social media post that hurt the feelings of those whose religion was "denigrated" by such, and then led to a perceived right to commit murder should be a wake up call.  Americans the hatred of radical Islam towards us is beyond comprehension.  We are not programmed to think as they do, not brainwashed into such a radical state of existence that we as rational sane individuals could even begin to come close to understanding their actions.  Strength in our foreign policy is indeed the only thing they will understand, and we as Americans need to make sure we do not elect a president or congress that is weak on foreign policy.  The future of our national security depends on it.


Both Christians and Jews will find mockery on Facebook and certainly groups who spew hatred towards our religions, but the difference between radical Islam and us can be summed up by noting they are barbaric, we are not.  This Arab Spring seen through the eyes of the Obama Administration as the Middle East freedom fest is simply not the case.  It has produced loosely governed nations, chaos and an opportunity for the Muslim Brotherhood to become more powerful.  Each event of violence will only escalate the hatred.  Simply put they want to kill those who are not like them and who speak out against their perverted form of the Muslim religion.


As the chaos spread to Cairo and our flag was burned and replaced with a black banner, many questions continue to swirl around these events.  POTUS and the administration apologized to Muslims for an offensive social media post in an attempt to halt the escalating riots by those offended.  Political correctness and apologies are not working Obama.  Stop the campaign and send a message not of contrived rhetoric, but rather of strength.  Reagan understood peace through strength, why can't you?