Death Knell For America

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

In a sad day for America, Obama has been re-elected.  The takers have won, and our once great nation has been dealt a final death blow. We The People will continue to strive and fight to overcome, but the reality is, the United States of America will not survive this second term.  

Here’s why.  The Supreme Court will now become a complete bastion of radical liberalism, and will remain so for decades; the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments will be watered down rendering them useless; Obama Care will never go away; the debt will spiral completely out of control; our natural resources will all but completely cease to be tapped; the price of fuel, goods, and services will skyrocket, the financial markets will crash, the administration and all his minions will continue their crimes; Israel will face its enemies alone, the UN Small Arms Treaty and Agenda 21 will come at us full bore, all illegal trespassers will be given amnesty, our military will become a total shambles, we will become ‘flexible’ with the Russians, and the list goes on and on.

By this time next year, the nation will be unrecognizable, and by the end of the second term, the country will be in complete shambles and we will be at the complete mercy of our enemies.

God help us.