Why be Thankful?

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds


Starla M. BrownWhy be thankful?  I could find a million reasons to be angry or ungrateful, that's easy most days when life and stress get the best of us, but tonight I am looking for the million reasons to consider why I should be thankful.



I got out of bed this morning and with a few age appropriate aches and pains I walked across the room and started my day.  There are some who cannot do what I perhaps take for granted most days.




I am thankful today in no particular order for:


- family and friends who love me

- a meal tonight and a roof over my head

- the ability to smile today

- something to look forward to tomorrow, and the next day

- laughter more than once today

- more than one conversation with someone special today

- being able to tell someone something nice today

- living in the greatest country on earth

- doing something for someone else today to help them

- having a great faith in God

- for having an entire holiday to celebrate all the reasons to be thankful

- the men and women who serve each day so that I live in freedom


Have a Happy Thanksgiving!  Wishing you a million reasons to be thankful…