Tea Party Must Rise Up

Written by Bethany Bowra on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

"I believe the only thing that could turn around this government spending and mounting debt would be if the people rose up." - Jim DeMint

This quote, from the man who delivered Senate seats for Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and other strong elected officials, perfectly embodies what we need in order to win in 2014. After comparing the results of the 2010 and 2012 elections respectively, it's clear-- we need a Tea Party revival.

The enormous movement we saw in 2010 gave us Senators such as Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Pat Toomey, and more; it was an immense undertaking, but thousands of people across the country were mobilized after watching the signing of ObamaCare into law. It took an event that disastrous to energize a movement called the Tea Party.

Well, folks, we have our 2012 event to match ObamaCare: The re-election of its instigator.

The Tea Party sprung up out of frustration with the federal government's outlandish spending and overreaching habits with attempts to bring it down a peg or two. The result of such determination was the crop of young, strong leaders we have in the Senate today. Why can't we have the same success in 2014? One thing is certain: We need that kind of success in 2014 if conservatism is going to survive for future generations. We're at a crucial moment in the battle of "free stuff vs. freedom" and sitting out now will only culminate the dominion of socialism in the United States.

For those who claim that the Tea Party is "too extreme," I ask you to explain the extremism of liberty as it was intended; of true free-market capitalism; of the belief that moral people are capable of maintaining a stable society without "assistance" from the government. There's nothing extreme about having those ideals. The Tea Party is made up of truly dedicated individuals who will stop at nothing to accomplish these goals-- it's not a movement for the faint of heart. However, if you'd still like some real extremism thrown into the mix, I'd encourage you to head out to the nearest street corner and see if Occupy Wall Street is still camping there.

The original Tea Party in 1773 that inspired the 2009 uprising of the same name was in direct opposition to taxes that had been placed on the colonies while they failed to receive adequate representation in the British government. Our modern Tea Party was in opposition to a program that will create numerous new taxes for middle-class families while they are feeling unrepresented in a Congress that, with a few exceptions, does little but disagree on critical issues. Today, we are facing four more years under the President who has nearly doubled our national debt, presided over unemployment that reached 10%, and watched as four American heroes were brutally murdered in Libya. We can't just sit the next election out because of frustration over this one's results-- now is when we bring the Tea Party roaring back and take this country by storm in 2014.

The only thing that can give us results like we had in 2010 is a Tea Party revival so strong that no one can doubt its existence. We need the candidates who benefited from it in 2010-- Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Pat Toomey, and others-- to hit the ground and help get others just like them elected in 2014. Our chances of winning back the Senate in 2014 are slim but not nonexistent; however, it will be impossible if we don't start working now. Bring the Tea Party back and bring it back stronger than ever. It's time for the people to rise up.