'No Angel' Jay Dobyns Is a Gentle Giant

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Local News

If you’re not familiar with his name yet, I urge you to look up Jay Dobyns.  I had the privilege of hearing him speak and meeting him earlier this evening at an event held at the Binks Forest Country Club in Wellington, FL.  

Agent Dobyns has a compelling story to tell; from his start as a Federal Officer in the mid 80’s and being shot, nearly to death, on his fourth day, to his undercover work with Hell’s Angels and drug lords…he’s seen it all.  To look at Jay, it is easy to see how he could play the part of a really mean hombre.  The shaved head, dark glasses, and ‘tatted’ up arms make him look very imposing.  Hearing him speak and tell his tale, and the tale of what’s really been going on with such things as ‘Fast and Furious,’ right up to the office of the US Attorney General and POTUS, it gave everyone in attendance a new glimpse into the world of the ATF.

Jay readily admits that he understands why the ATF is no one’s favorite government agency.  We see the stories of Waco, TX, Fast and Furious, and others.  What a lot of people easily lose sight of is that boots on the ground agents like Jay don’t make such decisions or call the shots. Just like any other cops, they follow orders, do their jobs to the best of their abilities, and pray that they make it home at the end of a day or long term operation.  The decision makers, like so many at very high levels of government are often political appointees; men and women that take credit for wins and blame underlings for losses, and they have little or no concept and regard for what field personnel have to deal with on the ground.

Listening to this, down deep gentle giant talk about his family and what they went through during the worst of his undercover years, up to and including them narrowly escaping death when his home was blown up by the real bad guys was heart wrenching in and of itself.  Hearing that the upper echelon of the ATF and DOJ ignored the very real threats against him and left him to fend for himself, and then actually accused him of blowing up his own house was mind boggling.  

When he talks about his Fox News interviews and tying the exact same people to some of the worst episodes that we all know about such as Fast and Furious, etc., and when we realize that these people are protected by Executive Privilege of the Oval Office, it’s enough to make your head explode.

Jay spells it all out in his equaling riveting New York Times best-selling book titled ‘No Angel.’  You can find the book at most retail book outlets, Amazon.com, and of course at his website at www.jaydobyns.com.  

Everyone needs to hear this incredible story.