'Big Gay' not so big anymore?!

Written by Tim Dunkin on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  Mr. Dunkin is an occasional contributor to The Patriots Press.  In this very well thought out article, he brings up and solidifies some valid points that I recently discussed concerning how the homosexual lobby, "Big Gay" as he calls it, has forced their way into society through various methods including legislation, social media, etc.  I believe those methods are being used by child predators in order to somehow gain cultural acceptance.

Tim Dunkin:  Recent events have not been kind to the radical homosexual lobby and its efforts to impose “homo-normalization” onto America.  For years, Big Gay has given the appearance of being an unstoppable juggernaut as it rolled from one court victory to the next, leaving behind it a wreckage of ruined lives of people who had the temerity to not show enough deference to the gay agenda.  Yet, there are a few recent signs that this might be changing.  It brings up the question, “Are average, everyday Americans finally tired enough of being bullied, hectored, accused, attacked, shouted at, threatened, and otherwise hounded by groups like GLAAD and other radical homosexual elements in our popular and political cultures that they’re finally willing to openly oppose it?”  While the jury is still out on whether it will be a flash in the pan or the start of a trend, the answer seems to be “Yes.”

Hints were seen as early as the middle of 2012, when the Christian-owned and operated fast food company Chick-Fil-A came under attack from the homofascists because it’s president – an evangelical Christian – had the temerity to state that he opposed gay marriage.  For simply stating a personal belief based upon his deeply-held religious convictions, Big Gay declared war and determined to destroy his company.  Boycotts and protests were staged.  But the radical gay bullies were mightily surprised when on August 1, designated “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day,” millions of Americans flooded restaurants all across America (even in supposedly bright blue states like Massachusetts and California).  Meanwhile, the homosexual activist counter-protests fizzled, and indeed were such embarrassing failures that organizers had to reset their protest dates before finally just letting them quietly fade away.

The most recent homo-fascist effort at silencing dissent and suppressing the free speech of those who disagree with them came last month when GLAAD and other organizations tried to coerce A&E into firing Phil Robertson, patriarch of the family at the center of that network’s popular show Duck Dynasty over his disagreement with homosexuality expressed in a completely unrelated venue.  At the time, I wrote about the affair and wondered if this would end up being yet another fold to the gay lobby, or if freedom of speech and religion would win a rare victory.  Events since that time have shown this to be the case.  There was a massive outpouring of support for the Robertson family, their Duck Commander line of paraphernalia sold out all across the country, companies like Cracker Barrel that appeared to be throwing the Robertsons under the bus saw quick and powerful backlashes, and A&E saw the light and took Phil Robertson off of his “indefinite hiatus” that was supposed to be his punishment for crime-think.  GLAAD and other left-wing agitation groups received a black eye from the whole matter.

American Culture and Islam...like water and oil

Written by Diane Sori on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  In a few short paragraphs Diane Sori lays out in clear detail the very real encroachment of a group that has declared war on the west, and has been using our own laws against us.  We need to heed this information and the plethora of other readily available and supportive material that abounds.  In case you haven't noticed, 'they' are doling whatever they can in an attempt to silence those of us sounding the alarm by calling the truth "hate speech."

Diane Sori:  Yesterday I posted this picture and it really got me thinking as there is much truth in these numbers beyond their numerical value, for what these numbers indicate is stealth jihad going on right before our eyes.

Now here's a scary thought that we Westerners must face...it's been predicted that if unchecked, by the year 2030, muslims will make up more than one quarter of the world's projected population of 8.3 billion. One-quarter of this entire planet will be muslim in a mere 15 years or so...8.3 billion people will be muslim when in 2010 there were 1.57 billion muslims...and I cannot stress those numbers enough for if that does NOT scare the hell out of you NOTHING will for those numbers alone will assure them victory over their enemies.

And we infidels...we Westerners...we Americans...are their enemy.

And these simple numbers tell you that in time Israel will easily be overrun as will most of Europe for the ever increasing muslim population continues to grow unchecked, and with those sheer numbers alone they will be able to do what all the wars throughout all of muslim history have failed to do...eradicate the infidels without them needing to lift a finger to do so.

In Great Britain alone, almost one in ten people will be muslim by 2030, because of lax immigration policies (one in four immigrants to Great Britain is currently muslim) and sky high muslim birth rates. And this will translate in less than 15 years into Great Britain...America's mother country as some like to say...having more muslims than the entire Arab nation of Kuwait. Scary huh...

Click for complete article... 

A real American speaks to Speaker Boehner

Written by Dawn Ellen on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  Once again, our friend, Dawn Ellen has struck a chord.  Apparently our Speaker of the House, Congressman John Boehner has seen fit to denigrate the ideals of and the very people that supported him.  In her very brief open letter to him, Dawn says in a very concise manner exactly what so many are thinking, yours truly included.  Let me add beforehand; Mr. Speaker....shut your pie hole, quit your crying, and pass that gavel to someone that possesses a set of cojones!

Dawn Ellen:  House Speaker John Boehner: "Are you kidding me? Frankly, I think they're (Tea Party) misleading their followers. I think they're pushing our members in places they don't want to be and frankly I just think they've lost all credibility.”

Dear House Speaker John Boehner,

First of all let me say that you have overstayed your welcome in the House and in 2014, I pray the People have the backbone to force you out of office. Secondly, I am completely amused at your bloviating and hypersensitive rants against the Tea Party. The Tea Party is about the reduction of government, its spending and abusive taxation. They are about abiding by and enforcing the Constitution. They follow and respect the Founding Fathers principles and vision for this country. The Tea Party is not about career politicians like you, they are about Term Limits and eliminating lifetime pensions and insurance for politicians. The Conservatives who proclaim to be “We the People” ARE the Tea Party. The Tea Party has been around since the beginning of this Republic. They were there when the Constitution was written and passed. They fought and died to make this country free. They were the ones who demanded that slaves be free and then passed the 13th Amendment. You represent the “middle of the road” politicians. The career politicians who lost their love for We the People a long time ago and became self-absorbed and self- involved. You represent a culture of politics that gets comfortable in their positions and will compromise every area of your lives to achieve your selfish goals. You are only interested in saving your spot in the House so you can retain your lifetime pension, your perks, and money from your lobbyists. The Tea Party despises your kind of politician. They fight to remove people like you from office and it terrifies you. Your public rebukes and hatred for the Tea Party only proves to us that you are frightened of what we are capable of and that is stopping career politicians like you from destroying this Republic. You sir, no longer represent us so we will make sure you and politicians like you are removed from office. Lastly, the very people that you are attacking will fight and die to save this Republic while you and your cronies sit back and squander the People’s money. You sir, are misleading this country and have lost all credibility! 

I am one of the Tea Party and proud of it, 

Dawn Ellen

Governments and Sewers...very similar

Written by Imre Beke on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  Mr. Beke has come up with a very interesting and I think spot on analogy with this brilliant comparison of the role of each.  Only one of the two isn't corrupted.

Imre Beke:  Over the past few years, I have repeatedly heard a disturbing mantra from many Conservatives: "I'm sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils."  

This attitude frightens me because it is so dangerous. It is not only philosophically wrongheaded but - if it grows - it will lead to a permanent Liberal establishment taking power in America.

The truth is that if we can successfully and consistently elect "the lesser of two evils" in the majority of elections around the Nation, we will be winning a significant victory. Expecting to do more than that is not only unrealistic, it is impossible. The nature of both politics and Government guarantee that. 

Thomas Paine once told us that “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”  That sounds profound and self-explanatory but little in the realm of politics and government is truly what it seems to be on the surface.

What exactly does it mean when we say that Government is a necessary evil?

Primarily, we need to understand that Government is fundamentally incapable of being beneficial. The fact is that Government is always and without fail both corrupt and incompetent. Despite the best efforts of humanity, it is impossible to make Government good. A cat will always be a cat and a dog will always be a dog. We cannot turn one into another.  Government will always be both corrupt and incompetent. We cannot change that fact of human existence.


Written by Imre Beke on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  For those that don't fully understand what Channukah means and represents, Imre Beke spells it out very concisely, compactly, to the point, and how it compares with what is happening today between Israel and one of her staunchest enemies.

To all of our Jewish friends, The Patriots Press once again says Mazel Tov.

Imre Beke:  Roughly 2,200 years ago, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucid Empire, which was based in modern day Syria. While King Antiochus III permitted the Jewish people to continue practicing their religion, his son - Antiochus IV Epiphanes - sent military forces into Jerusalem at the request of a group of Jews called the Tobiads who wanted their people to become more "Hellenized" or modernized in their view. Antiochus IV outlawed the practice of Judaism even to the point of forbidding the circumcision of baby boys.

Eventually, the family of a priest named Mattiyahu led a revolt against Antiochus IV. Upon his death, his son Judah or Yehuda (eventually called Yehuda HaMakabi or Judah the Hammer), took over the role of leader of the revolution, drove Antiochus' forces from the Holy Land and rededicated the defiled Temple. 

As part of the rededication, an oil lamp was required to burn every night all through the night. However, they only had enough oil for one night and it would take eight days to prepare a fresh supply of purified oil for the lamp. Despite the lack of oil, the lamp continued to burn for eight days and nights without going out, thus proving that God will provide what is necessary for His People.

This miracle provided the basis for the celebration of the eight day festival of Chanukkah.

Today, the world is seeing a re-enactment of the events of the Chanukkah miracle. A nation of six million Jews which should not - by any rational measure - have been able to survive even one war of invasion by its Arab neighbors has repeatedly fought back against 120 million of them and emerged victorious. Again, the world is being shown that numbers are far less important than faith and determination.

In the last few weeks, we have been seeing even more pronounced parallels between the original Chanukkah events and today's tribulations facing Israel.