"Hey Buddy, can you spare a Billion?"

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Here’s a sobering thought for a Thursday.  We hear a lot about our National Debt being $16 Trillion; in reality after combining Social Security mandates and a bunch of other stuff that is never discussed, the true number far exceeds $80 Trillion.

Anyway, for the sake of today’s thought, I’m going to work with the $16 Trillion figure.  Most people can imagine what a puny thing like a Million or even a Billion is.  However, a lot of people can’t get their arms around such a number as a Trillion, so I’ll break it down; a Trillion is a Thousand Billion, and a Billion is of course a Thousand Million.

Keeping that in mind, I did some fast math.  To make this math work, the US Government would first have to grind to a dead stop and completely stop spending, which is impossible.  If they then got serious and started paying off the debt of $16 Trillion at the rate of $100,000,000.00 a day, (that’s $100 Million) it would take 10 days to pay off a Billion.  

Conventions are over, time for the real games

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Well, both of the conventions are over.  We’ve had a chance to hear what each party is thinking, and what they’re trying to sell us; and over the next 59 days we will be bombarded in the press as they slug it out before We the People go to the polls and decide whether we want to continue on the course of destruction that we’re on and plunge over the cliff with Obama at the helm, or give a man with proven ability to fix big problems a chance to roll up his sleeves and do what needs to be done.

Already, at least one ranking Democrat, in the person of Palm Beach County Democrat Chairman Mark Siegel has hurt his party with remarks so vile that he has stepped down.  How many more such huge gaffs will hurt both parties during the upcoming melee for the survival of our great nation is anyone’s guess. 

In the end, it is incumbent upon all of us to educate ourselves and ensure that the process works to the best of its ability, and that we all get out and work for our candidates, whoever they may be.  We need to make calls, walk the neighborhoods, reach into our pockets, and do whatever else we can to make sure people get out and vote.  

I’ve been around for a long time, and I thought I’d seen things as bad as they can get; but I was wrong.  If we don’t do everything we can to make a change on November 6th, I truly believe we will face and witness an event that will make even the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1930’s look like a walk in the park on Sunday.  God help us. 

America, Imams, and the DNC

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

With the Democratic National Convention only a matter of hours away, I decided to express my thoughts about the decidedly un-American plans they have in store.

Already, many prominent democrats have railed against the ‘failings’ of the recently concluded Republican National Convention which included speeches about the greatness of America, what is needed to right the course for future generations, and ended with great promise and distinction.  We got to know a lot about the candidates vying to unseat the current regime and reverse its destructive policies, and they talked a great game; the kind of game we’ve been hoping and looking for since Ronal Reagan. 

The Republican Party and candidates are by no means perfect, far from it even.  However, for all of their faults, there is a basic decency that shines through from them and the party.  They don’t always agree amongst themselves on every issue, and I certainly don’t always agree with them on every issue, but at the end of the day, when good old fashioned common sense is needed, they tend to take the high road and do the right thing.

Case in point.  Regardless of one’s religious/faith affiliation, it is impossible in my eyes to not recognize that large elements and segments of islam, have been in a very long and protracted war with the west, and the United States in particular.  Simply put, they and their minions are focused on destroying our way of life, and replacing it with their brand of forced acceptance, intolerance, and servitude; none of which is consistent with American Ideology.  I believe as a whole, the Republican Party understands this very real threat to our way of life, and is ready to stand up to it and do whatever is needed to quell it.

I was impressed and happy to see that during the opening and closing of each day at the RNC, a prayer was offered up to our creator, and was done so by either Christian or Jewish Clergy.  Certainly, these benedictions by such clergy are reflective of and speak to our core American Heritage and Foundations.

Also, very clearly making a statement, however to the contrary of what America is; not only was the offer by Cardinal Dolan to deliver the opening invocation rejected by the Democrat Party, the opening ceremonies of the DNC will include a reported 2 hour prayer by a muslim imam.  Some people might scoff at that and call me an ‘islamophobe’ or other such ridiculous names, and I don’t care. 

What I know is this.  The DNC takes place just before the anniversary of 9/11; eleven years to the day that 19 men screaming “allahu akbar” crashed planes into the WTC and Pentagon, and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children.  Those men worshipped and prayed to the same ‘allah’ that, because of political correctness or who knows what, will be prayed to during the opening ceremonies of the DNC.  Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and whatever; you need to really think about that.

Wake up America.  The wolves are not only in the hen house, they are warming up the ovens in the kitchen and plucking the chickens.


Speeches are done. Time to work

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

“Mr. Chairman and Delegates, I accept your nomination for President of the United States!”  Thus did Mitt Romney begin his convention capping speech last night.  

In the hours since, the speech has been dissected, examined, and discussed ad nauseum by men and women in Bible groups and Bowling Leagues, coffee shops and construction sites, barber shops and bingo parlors, US Armed Forces home and abroad, students and teachers, young and old, and media pundits on both sides.

There’s not a lot that I can add to the conversation that hasn’t already been said, except that I believe the convention as a whole and all the speeches did exactly what they needed to do; and that is the party and the grassroots are totally unified, the left is scrambling, and We the People have an excellent chance at getting things back on course.  Even Michael Moore is saying that Mitt is going to win.

Now it’s time for all Patriots to put aside any remaining differences, really come alive as a cohesive unit and get focused on getting out the vote over the next 67 days.  We have a great team in Romney/Ryan and we can defeat the anti-American regime in the White House.  Let’s rock. 

Media being turned away from REC meetings?

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

On August 22, 2012, our friend Jack Furnari at Bizpac Review discussed the looming threat of media being shut out of both the Democrat and Republican Party meetings.  If you haven’t seen it, his article may be viewed at the following link: 


Except to say that I agree with Mr. Furnari completely, there isn’t a lot more I can add to this expertly written piece.  Clearly, there are those in both parties that feel the media should not be allowed, at least or especially during times when critical issues such as club strategies and budgets are concerned.