What Can I Do…?!

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

I’m just one person, what can I do..?!  That’s a question that gets asked a lot about a lot of different things.  Back in 2009, that question prompted the formation of the Tea Party and a lot of people got involved in a lot of different ways. Local groups gathered and met all across America and in some cases different areas of the world such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and elsewhere.

A lot of good stuff came out of those organizations; however a lot of the zeal and energy got left in the tank. 

It got left in the tank because too many people simply drew a big sigh of relief when Donald Trump was elected President, as if the bad guys had suddenly vanished, and while there are still remnants here and there, the Tea Party has lost a lot of the wind in their sails and in some circles they actually shy away from using the term, not to mention as I have recently written, they have reverted to settling again.  And that couldn’t have happened at a worse possible time.

Here’s why.  Yes, I am convinced that we do have the right man in the right place for such a time as this; however; am also convinced that this is only a temporary reprieve since the seemingly inexhaustible left has stepped up their game against President Trump exponentially.  They find fault with him no matter what he does to the point that I believe if he walked across the water of the Potomac, the headlines would read, “Trump Cannot Swim.”

They are actively stacking the deck for the mid-term election in some places by allowing illegals and ex-convicts to vote, which only adds to the other fraud committed every election, and no steps have been taken to thwart that effort.  Even a lot of high profile Republicans have bowed out ahead of time in an attempt to derail this very pro-America President.  I believe this is so because he is exposing and correcting a lot of the corruption and upsetting the gravy train.  In short, both political parties are scared to death of him and will stop at nothing to stop his momentum. 

And that is where We the People come in.  The Tea Party of the last eight years was a great model for us to learn from; however we cannot afford the same mistakes.  Meeting once a month or so to grumble and groan about what is wrong and saying things like “someone needs to do something about this” doesn’t get it done, and neither does supporting one party or the other.  Someone needs to take a lesson from the left and get out in the neighborhoods, and have rallies there.  Someone needs to volunteer in the SEO offices and other places where we can make sure nothing is amiss.

That someone is you…!  That someone is your circle of influence…!  You and all of them, me and all of mine, we need to put aside all of our petty differences and focus on the real problems.  We need to do it all again; walk neighborhoods, talk to that guy or gal on the other side of the fence or at the next gas pump.  We need to spend time teaching our children the truth, and hold fast to our time tested traditions.  We must never cave in to the leftist extremism which over the past several decades has slowly weaved into our cultural fabric.

Our mission is clear; we must do everything we can to ensure that Donald J. Trump remains president until 2024 so that the right judges can be seated, so that our military high command can once again be made up of men and women who are loyal to our nation and not #44.  More on that in another article soon to come.

We must also sound the alarm that our Lord is watching, because He gave us a warning of what could be during the last administration, and what could have happened had President Trump not been elected.

My friends, we are in for the fight of our lives.  We have to arm ourselves with facts, we have to be bold, we have to be strong, and we need to put on the “Armor of God” if we are to survive.

Don’t be the one who says, “someone needs to do something about this;” instead, be the one who does it.  Start by visiting www.UltimateSuccessAmerica.com and take the pledge.

God Bless you, God Bless President Donald J. Trump, and God Bless these United States of America.

Huge Grocery Chain Takes Orders From 18 Year Old Fascist…

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

By most accounts, four months ago he was just another loud, anonymous, foul mouthed, student bully in So. Florida who was probably still knocking books out of the hands of weaker kids in the school corridors.  Sadly, we now know all too well who he is, because yesterday’s school bully, with the all too willing assistance of a leftist media, has stepped up his game to become a fascist extortionist bullying corporate America.  

Ever since that fateful and horrible day back in February when he peddled from home on his bicycle to record the events that were unfolding at Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School, this young man has been a darling of the liberal media, spewing their talking points and viciously attacking any individual or group that disagrees with him.

On Friday, he added to his list of victims one of the largest grocery chains in the US because they support the candidacy of a good man who happens to be a member of the NRA, an organization that this young man has firmly locked his sights on.

In a nutshell, he decided to stage a “die in” at his local Publix and asked his obeying minions to do the same wherever they might be.  The instructions for this “die in” were to enter the store(s) at 4:00 PM, lie on the floor and play dead, and then apparently leave a mess in their wake.  Where I come from, since they did not plan on buying anything, that is called loitering and trespassing; both of which are arrestable offenses.

But let’s not stop there; what other problems were created..?  By covering the floor with themselves, they became a gigantic trip hazard, which subjected them and every customer and employee in the immediate area to potentially serious injury.  I have to believe that corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters are cringing at what could have happened and eventually will.  Also, they risk untold infection and ailments by lying down on the floor of a business which is travelled by countless individuals with who knows what on the bottom of their feet.  I shudder to think.

Back to the loitering and trespassing for a minute.  It was known that they were coming and the management of any business confronted with such a potentially dangerous disturbance should have alerted the authorities to the threat and have them removed and arrested on the spot.  It doesn’t matter that they were probably hoping for such a result.

Instead, Publix who believed they faced a potential publicity nightmare decided to cave in to the demands of this young fascist.  In doing so, they have created a much larger publicity nightmare and likely boycott by the vast majority of individuals who support the NRA and are about fed up with this young man and his nonsense.  They have also certainly emboldened his resolve to continue attacking other individuals and businesses with abandon.

I believe that maybe Publix and other companies should consider the recent plight of the NFL when they lost untold millions in revenues when their advertisers started pulling their ads; and all because the NFL chose to drag their feet when one player and then others decided to disrespect our flag and nation, and the sensibilities of most of the NFL’s fan base.

As for me and a lot of my readers and friends, at least for right now, we’ve decided that there are a lot of other places to spend our grocery dollars that don’t bend to young extortionist bullies.

I also have a bit of unsolicited advice for this very over-zealous young man.  Part of me believes you actually want to do the right thing, so if I may.

Educate yourself; learn the real facts about “gun violence” and “gun control.”  Recognize that all of the numerous gun control laws on the books across this land are mostly useless, due in large part to criminals not caring about laws and “gun free zone” signs.  Also, pick up a copy of “More Guns, Less Crime” by John Lott; you might learn something. 

If you really want to help, why not demand that the laws we already have be enforced against the criminals who break them..?! 

Why not ask your friend the sheriff why his office dropped the ball so many times with Mr. Cruz..?! 

Why not ask the FBI why they also didn’t step up when they had the chance..?! 

And ask why so many other failures of law enforcement rule the day so often in these cases..?!

I imagine you realize that if you did ask those hard questions and pushed that real side of the story, and stopped being a lackey of the left, the media cameras would go away with whatever income you are generating, and they would take your platform and spotlight with them.


Taking Back The USA "Bigly...!"

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Back around 2009 a movement started in America.  The silent majority was fed up and determined to be silent no more.  We recognized that we were up against the same circumstances as our Founders; a corrupted government in a “faraway” land was running roughshod on all of us.  This time it was the government of our choosing via the vote.

So we rallied, went on road trips, made calls, stood on street corners in all sorts of weather, and even got some our friends and neighbors elected. 

Sadly, at the critical moment when it looked like we might be turning the corner and getting back on track with the election of a great President, a cloud of complacency blanketed the country as if the work was done and we’d arrived, and we started settling for less than we’d screamed for.

I’m here to say that complacency has to stop.  The work is just beginning.  We now have a great President and he needs our help as no other President ever has.  The left is dreaming up new ways to attack him multiple times per day and we need to rally the troops and come along side of him once and for all.

Is he perfect..?  By no means..!  Will he blunder and do things that we may not agree with..?  No doubt about it..!  However, I’m calling on every Patriotic American who may or may not have aligned themselves with the “Tea Party” to unite and join the “New Tea Party.” 

That “New Tea Party” is called Ultimate Success America and we need everyone; every Patriotic group, all God fearing men and women, bloggers, talk show hosts, Tea Party and 9/12 remnants, and all the rest to join us and see this mission through to the end.  We are made up of Christian, Conservative, Compassionate, Capitalists, or as we like to call ourselves, C4s. 

Our rally cry and cause is to support our President and Make America Great Again by taking it back from the Left Wing Liberal Lost Lunatics; or L4s for short.

Everything is at stake and we believe that we have been given a temporary reprieve by God Himself with the election of President Trump.  This is about Good vs Evil and we must take advantage of the leader we’ve been blessed with or risk losing everything in 2020.  Make no mistake, the left will stop at nothing to undermine this President; they will lie, cheat, and steal.  They have already started allowing illegal aliens to vote in some jurisdictions and it won’t take a lot more to sway a close election on the side of our enemies.

We cannot let that happen as the very heart and soul of America is at stake.  What we, the C4s do over the next two and a half years to make sure Donald J. Trump is re-elected and the next four years after that in support of him and other like-minded individuals will echo in Eternity.  We owe it to our Founders and we owe it to our descendants to hold the line wherever God has us as individuals.

Your call to action is to join the movement at www.UltimateSuccessAmerica.com and take the pledge, become one of Trump's Troops, help us recruit a Volunteer Army of Believers 1 million strong to help restore the values of God, Family, Country, and Business once again.  We intend to Unite, Stand, and Activate our Patriotic C4 Base to fully support President Donald J. Trump and his Administration, no matter what.

Back in 1787, as Dr. Benjamin Franklin was exiting Independence Hall, he was reportedly asked by a woman, “Well Dr., what have we got, a republic or a monarchy..?”  To which he replied simply, “a republic, if you can keep it.”

My friends, that admonition from Dr. Franklin wasn’t just to that lone woman, it was to every American since and all of us now.  We are in the fight of our personal lives and for the very preservation of our nation, and we need every able bodied man and woman to take action now or watch our imperfect, but beautiful republic fade away into the forgotten annals of history.

In the name of all that is good and sacred, won’t you please hear my passionate plea and join us in this pursuit…?  God Bless you, God Bless President Donald J. Trump, and God Bless these United States of America.

Visit www.UltimateSuccessAmerica.com today and get busy.  Follow us on Social Media, share your stories with us, and get involved.  Just like Paul Revere and William Dawes and the others, spread the word and sound the alarm, “the liberals are coming, the liberals are coming…!”

To Represent or Not To Represent...

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

What ever happened to representative government in America..?!  Did it ever really exist...?!  I’ve asked numerous people what “representative government” means or implies to them and I’ve gotten only slightly varying responses.  For the most part, most people believe that it means we elect people at every level of government that we think share most of our values to represent our collective voice and make lawful decisions on our behalf.  We interview them and find out as much as we can, listen to their speeches, and then base our decision on that process.  Praying doesn’t hurt either…!

Sadly, we too often find that a candidate we thought would truly vote as a seated constituent, winds up joining “the club,” going along with the flow, and forgetting about his or her fellow constituents.

Furthermore, too many of them either forget the oath they take to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” or like most of the bills they pass, they simply never bother reading it; because too many of them attempt to alter it more to their own liking and the whims of prevailing popular opinion. 

Case in point, sitting in the seat of the US Congressional District that I reside in is a man, Brian Mast, a war hero whose service and sacrifice I have tremendous respect for, who tickled the ears of the conservative voters during the entire campaign process and he sounded just like one of us.  Then he got to DC and very quickly started sounding more and more like one of “them,” and has become sort of a John McCain lite. 

Early last summer on these pages, I expressed my unfiltered angst over a bill he “mistakenly” voted the wrong way on and he had the official record notated that it was a mistake.  However, his vote still remains in the “no” column to this day, so the notation was and is worth about as much as one of his campaign promises. 

Which brings me to today; his record has gone from simply “mistaken,” to downright misguided and abysmal. 

Among the items he failed to vote as “one of us” on are HR 60 Enlistment which allows for conditional, legal, permanent residence for illegal aliens who serve in the military.  Besides the obvious questionable allegiance of such individuals, those huggable cutthroats of the Muslim Brotherhood planned this method of infiltration into our military as early as 1992; look it up…!  Keeping in line with this favorable treatment of aliens, both legal and illegal, he also voted against us on HR 1544 which increases visas from terror linked nations.

But wait, there’s more; according to the Miami Herald, (9/13/17) he was pushing for an 18 month extension for Temporary Status Haitians, and was working aggressively to fast track that group for citizenship.  Also, let’s not forget that this same man who on numerous occasions railed against sanctuary cities and for mandatory E-verify, stood by and watched as West Palm Beach became a sanctuary city.  Yeah, I know he doesn’t sit on the Commission, but he sure as hell could and should have been screaming loudly and publicly about it and exerting his influence. 

He continued to shelve his oath, as he co-sponsored the very anti-First Amendment HR 257 which on the surface might sound good to some as it condemns what they call hate speech and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, etc.  Just so you know, that bill was written by people associated with Islamic Terror-linked groups; to prove that out, members of EMGAGE, a CAIR group, thanked those who supported it because it increases the stifling of the truth being told about Islam.  Unless one is a raging liberal maniac, the truth is not hate speech or anything like it.

And then, the icing on the cake; to add insult to all of that injury; instead of rightfully pointing the finger at the gross failure of law enforcement where it belonged after Parkland, he chose to knuckle to pressure with a kneejerk call for a ban on so called “assault rifles.” That ludicrous diatribe was a direct smack at the 2nd Amendment about AR-15’s being “military grade” rifles that do not belong in the hands of civilians. 

First of all, while they may look scary to the misinformed, they are not even close to “military grade,” which the founders had no problem with anyway.  Indeed, the 2A was put there specifically so that We the People could have the means to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government such as they were forced to rebel against.  As insignificant as we may think a musket is today, they were in fact the cutting edge in "military grade" weaponry at the time. 

Furthermore, the founders were well aware of emerging weapons technologies and worded the 2A in such a manner as to include whatever advances might occur; because a tyrannical government would certainly have them.  Not only was the ending phrase, “…shall not be infringed,” inserted there for just that reason, this member of congress and the others know fully well the real stats concerning firearm death rates.  If you do not understand all of that, you might consider reading "The Federalist," which amounted to the founder’s method of “emailing” each other while preparing the US Constitution.  You might also want to grab a copy of “More Guns, Less Crime” by John Lott.

I don’t know if a challenger will emerge to “one and done” this incumbent, but as far as this writer is concerned, we certainly would have been no worse off had Mr. Perkins won in 2016.  At least we knew where he really stood.

I could go on and on, but for right now I want to ask a few questions to my readers who are mostly conservative thinkers like me; those in the Tea Party, or what used to be the Tea Party, and the rest of the silent majority; a lot of whom still support this man.

Is this what you rallied for during the last eight years..?!  Is this why you gathered in DC, stood on street corners in all kinds of weather, spent time away from home, wrote letters, made calls, held political feet to the fire, screamed for change, and so many other things…?! 

Did we do all that stuff just to settle for the same old lies and political maneuvering…?!

I can only answer these questions for myself.  NO I DID NOT...!

I’m not just talking about this one congressman in one district either; this is happening all across America.  What happened to the fire in our bellies..?!  Did we give up..?!  Are you going to be comfortable looking your children and grandchildren in the face knowing that our entire Constitution is being shredded right in front of us…?!

The left isn’t quitting; they are laughing at us.  I loathe the left and their nonsense, but I will give them this, they are relentless and don’t seem to get tired.  However, our side also has things in the works; there are gatherings being planned, new groups are being formed. 

If you haven’t given up and you’re ready to get back in the fight, two great places to start are Ultimate Success America, an organization founded and run by my friend Brig Hart; who has graciously allowed me and Wild Bill for America to team up with him, and March for Our Rights, which got started a little over a month ago by my friend Sybele Capezzutti along with some other really great patriots around the country.  Check them both out and get to work.

The left has been emboldened recently and this isn’t the time for complacency or settling for anything or anyone.  They’ve landed a few rabbit punches and it’s high time we throw the knock-out punch with enough power to carry us into 2020 and a second term of President Donald John Trump.

We can do this…!

What happened in Parkland..? What happened in Broward County..? What happened in America..?

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Like many people, when I first heard that the armed deputy who was assigned to MSDHS in Parkland did not enter the facility, I thought I was hearing about a complete coward, and then we all learned that three other deputies who arrived fairly early on also did not act.  Which made me think; one coward maybe, but four at the same time hearing shots fired and knowing that children inside desperately needed their help..?!  Not a chance..! 

But what else could it be..?  The only thing scarier than the answer to that question is the shooting itself.  With each passing day and new information the story gets worse.  It seems that Miami/Dade School District started a program in their schools a handful of years ago that required suspensions and arrests of all students be drastically reduced, and while that sounds good at a quick glance, the reality is that it is a complete sham.  A sham because the reduction did not come about as a result of improved behavior.  Far from it, instead it happened because the Miami/Dade School District and Sheriff’s Office decided to cook the books and respectively stopped suspending and arresting students and children of school age no matter what they did unless it was so egregious that they had no other choice.  An easily foreseeable free for all ensued.

Why would they do that, you might ask..?  One word; “money,” and lots of it.  You see, there is federal grant money available for lowering the rates of suspensions and arrests of students, and especially minority students.  This sham worked so well financially in Miami/Dade that apparently Broward Sheriff Scott Israel and the Broward County School District wanted a piece of the action and implemented it full bore. 

Then, just like in neighboring Miami/Dade, students who should have and would have been suspended and/or arrested under the old rules were simply slapped on the wrist and “counseled,” to the point that some of them were recruited by local “gangstas” who knew about the new program, to do crimes for them, thereby avoiding the risk of arrest themselves.

In case you haven’t figured it out or heard yet, Nicholas Cruz was among those who were “counseled” numerous times before finally being expelled and all the warnings signs of impending disaster were ignored because they still did not want to affect the low arrest numbers.  So this particular kid, bad as they certainly knew he was, was given a pass time after time by the BCSO and the FBI, (albeit for different reasons).

So that is most probably why at least three of the deputies didn’t react as we might expect.  Yeah, the SRO may have been a coward, but the rest may simply have been following the protocol of a corrupted system focused only on the bottom line of county finances and not considering the consequences.  But hey, at least BCSO won’t be accused of any sort of arrest profiling. 

Before I’m accused of trashing Law Enforcement and Cops, let me reinforce right here that as my regular readers know, I completely support our police and I know that the vast majority of them are doing a great job; however, this needs to be exposed and those responsible need to be brought to justice.

The climate in the highest levels of the BCSO, the School District., and County government was part and parcel to blame.  Bad kids are NOT slipping through the cracks, they are being walked through and hand fed by an insane system that refuses to punish criminal behavior, and puts everyone else at risk. 

The failures of that system, coupled with a complicit media and the overall disintegration of our culture, caused this incident..!  A corrupt sheriff and his office played a heavy role in this incident; and now many of the same people who caused it are playing on the raw emotions of a lot of uninformed people by pointing fingers at the NRA and a particular type of firearm..?!  Really..?!