Tucker Carrying The Waters Bucket

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher’s note:  I came across this post on FB on Friday evening and believe the author, Marshall M. Becker, a man I do not know, did an outstanding job of expressing what a lot of people are rightfully thinking and talking about in response to Tucker Carlson hosting Roger Waters on his show.  With his kind permission, I am reposting it on this platform.

Mr. Waters is a notorious anti-Semite, and to allow him or anyone of his ilk any airtime and shine some sort of positive light on himself is very “Goebbelesque” and everyone associated with that segment needs to do some serious soul searching.  It leaves me wondering if they might be lining up David Dukes, members of “the squad” or maybe the likes of Nihad Awad just to be “fair and balanced”.  Really poor decision making on the part of Tucker and all concerned...!  

Marshall M. Becker: Shame on Fox News and in particular Tucker Carlson. At the end of an otherwise great show tonight he had the irrationally anti-Semitic rock star Roger Waters on as a guest to discuss the Julian Assange case. Tucker gave this psychotic Jew-hater a platform to promote himself as a humanitarian and source of rational information by commenting on the Assange case. It legitimizes this scum bag who puts a Star of David on a pig floating over his performances. As if Tucker, his producers, and Fox could find no other informed advocates for Assange’s side of the case.

Roger Water’s inability to master basic facts and realities regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict are proof of his Jew-hate. He ignores endless terrorism and human rights abuses by not only Palestinians but worldwide to focus on the only and tiny Jewish state.  Israel is a democratic nation with religious freedom, press freedom, gay rights and professions open to all citizens. Israel has Arab and Muslim judges (including one on its Supreme Court) and professors and property owners, and national team athletes and IDF officers including a General. Its universities, hospitals are open to all of its people.

By putting Waters on your program for any subject of political and human rights affairs or even his music is an act of legitimizing his warped analyses on all topics he might opine upon.

I am disappointed in Mr. Carlson’s judgment. I have been a regular viewer but I can live without a show that would put a mini Goebbels on the air to opine on any issue.

I know many people who share my opinion. You might check social media to see the fallout and scope of your self-inflicted wounds.

America’s Stockholm Syndrome

Written by Sybele Capezzutti on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's Note: Sybele Capezzutti is a master word smith who has a knack for saying what many are thinking in concise, no nonsense terms that even liberals can understand.

As always, she makes her case brilliantly concerning what has happened in America since that horrific day 18 years ago, and I am honored to bring her words to my readers.

Sybele Capezzutti:  There is a silence in the air as we all go about our lives in the morning of 9/11.

We are reflective, we mourn the ones we’ve lost, we ponder on how our perception of the world changed in one day, and we share our stories of what we were doing that tragic morning.

Regardless if you believe that 9/11/2001 was an act of terrorism with or without all the theories regarding our own government involvement, it was still a massacre planned and executed by a radical mentality that seeks submission from those who do not think as they do.

One would think that after 2001 American Citizens would be even more alert to the possibility of developing radicalism among the followers of Islam, but we’ve seen quite the opposite take place.

One would also think, that those who believe that our government either aided or covered up important information, would be less supportive of the swamp creatures who did it.

How did we go from complete shock in the morning of 9/11/2001 to defending the assailants 11 years later when Benghazi took the lives of an Ambassador and another three brave US Citizens?

I remember watching the news during the Benghazi attack and having no doubt that we were witnessing a well-planned and very intentional attack on US citizens on the 11th anniversary of the largest terrorist attack this Nation has ever experienced. Yet, many were perfectly ok with the clearly false narrative that the attack was spontaneous and the result of outrage from a YouTube video.

Americans have gone out of their way to show they are not bigots!

Since 9/11/2001 we have …

Tripled the amount of refugees from Islamic countries into the Country, had another 8 terrorist attacks in US soil and lost the first Ambassador in 3 decades due to terrorism. We’ve allowed the government to infringe on our 4th Amendment rights by establishing the Patriot Act, which has done nothing to prevent the 8 attacks on US soil since implemented. We’ve allowed the government to create and give too much power to the TSA, which again, has not arrested even one terrorist since its creation but makes our lives hell at airports.

Government officials clearly lying about Benghazi were given a pass, radical Islamic groups have been ignored. Recently, a judge even dismissed all charges against islamists who killed a child in a ritual and enslaved 11 others … no protests about those injustices, but plenty of protests to keep late-term abortion rights.

All sense of reason and logic have been completely rejected.

Stockholm syndrome maybe?

Stockholm syndrome, psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands.

But you would say… Americans are not captive? I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Under the definition of Stockholm syndrome, Encyclopedia Britannica delivers the following:

“Psychologists who have studied the syndrome believe that the bond is initially created when a captor threatens a captive’s life, deliberates, and then chooses not to kill the captive. The captive’s relief at the removal of the death threat is transposed into feelings of gratitude toward the captor for giving him or her life. As the Stockholm bank robbery incident proves, it takes only a few days for this bond to cement, proving that, early on, the victim’s desire to survive trumps the urge to hate the person who created the situation.

The survival instinct is at the heart of the Stockholm syndrome. Victims live in enforced dependence and interpret rare or small acts of kindness in the midst of horrible conditions as good treatment. They often become hypervigilant to the needs and demands of their captors, making psychological links between the captors’ happiness and their own. Indeed, the syndrome is marked not only by a positive bond between captive and captor but also by a negative attitude on behalf of the captive toward authorities who threaten the captor-captive relationship. The negative attitude is especially powerful when the hostage is of no use to the captors except as leverage against a third party, as has often been the case with political hostages.”

Please read the text above as many times as necessary until you understand the connection to the dysfunctional relationship Americans have developed with its politicians.

How else can you explain not the mere acceptance but border line adulation half of the population exhibits towards a culture that is diametrically opposed to ours?

In 2015 a NY city judge was sworn in using the Quran instead of the Constitution, no one cared that her loyalty was to sharia and not the highest law of the land, and that the two literally do not go together.

Today we have congresswomen who are blatantly anti American and refer to 9/11 as "some people did something".

And who are seen as the bad guys? The ones pointing this insanity out like Benghazi survivor Kris Paronto, or former Muslim and anti sharia activist Anni Aynaz Cyrus.

No, we should not be judgmental, and no we should not generalize an entire group of people, balance and reason is important, both lacking these days though.

In the effort to not generalize Americans are over compensating and giving up their culture in the process. We might end up with mayors like Sadiq Khan from London all over America in the next 2 election cycles because half the population suffers from Stockholm syndrome and the other half won’t even bother to get out and vote.

I know this is a very daring thought, but you can both accept other cultures and preserve yours!

When we say Never Forget, mean it!

Jihad could never win a real hand to hand battle inside the US, but they are winning a very patient and controlled battle by changing the political landscape one city at the time while monopolizing on the very convenient guilt half the nation seems to feel towards their captors.

09/11/2001 – 09/11/2019

Fight for them, fight for their memory, fight for our Constitution, fight for our children.




Written by Valerie Sobel on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher’s Note:  About a week or so ago, I had a thought and decided to do something about it.  Like so many American Patriots I wonder what exactly a perfect utopia would be in the minds of the liberal left, and especially those of the Jewish persuasion because given their history, I will just never understand why they are mostly liberal democrats.

So, not being a Jew myself, even though my love of Jewish food makes me sometimes question if I was accidentally switched at birth, I reached out to my friend Valerie Sobel and asked her if she could offer a perspective given she is a member of that community.  And did she ever; mind you, Valerie is absolutely a Jewish woman, however no one that knows her would accuse of being anything but a solid conservative. 

So sit back, grab an adult beverage if you have a mind to and read what this very astute, drop dead gorgeous, thought provoking, and very up and coming commentator had to say about liberal utopia and presidential candidates as she weaves her way around the truth with a good dose of wit and charming sarcasm.  If you hear any popping sounds nearby, it could just be a lot of liberal heads exploding.

Valerie Sobel:  The following is an instructional guide for liberal American Jewry on how to pick the perfect President in 2020:

1. Select from a field of Democrat candidates only. This ensures your toothless grandma’s ideas about the world will shape your children’s future and provide you with a sense of compassion for all ethnic & minority causes. Your shtetl-raised aunt Esther and her Mahjong ladies will be proud you’re still voting for their beloved Kennedys.

2. Appearances are everything. Check that the candidate appears presidential. Specifically, he/she should look good and be duly approved by the groupthink masses. Being aided & abetted and financially supported by the mainstream media is paramount. He/she should sound polished and scripted, be politically correct, and above all - make consistent use of the tele-prompter.

3. He/she should only come from elitists circles of establishment, be a career politician, a lawyer, a socialist, or at least an individual who has never worked in a private sector in their entire life. If they’ve never created wealth, produced economic benefit or employed anyone - give them extra points.

4. If he/she writes or says anything courageous, rational or truthful, or God-forbid anything the people of the country are actually thinking - dump the bastard without a second thought. Moreover, if he/she says anything off the cuff or without mincing words to demonstrate his/her authenticity, reject this as micro-aggression. Remember, tweeting anything at 3 AM is a major offense. Tweeting anything you disagree with is an outright assault on you.

5. Rally around a woman. A woman with dark skin or a head scarf, or at minimum a 1/1024th ethnic DNA composition. As a last resort - select a man. A gay or a black man is permitted. A black gay man would be preferable and is as conscionable as selecting a woman. This will demonstrate your progressiveness and commitment to identity politics instead of outdated old-fashioned criterion based on ideas, substance, track record and character. This also demonstrates your solidarity with oppressed minorities and reaffirms to them that you are one of them. They will undoubtedly throw you a bone or two once they’re elected onto their democratic socialist pulpit.

6. Remember: the more socialist the agenda, the better the candidate. You can easily verify all the historical achievements of social governments in the past (especially with respect to Jewry) and choose the Democrat candidate best aligned with those tried & tested ideals. The 2020 Democrat field has many to choose from.

7. If the candidate is at all critical of anyone blowing up nightclubs, wielding knives or driving white vans into Christmas markets, know that they are Democrat imposters. As Democrats, we are inclusive of all and celebrate every human skill and talent.

8. Ensure your selected candidate has never achieved anything, nor has succeeded or failed. And certainly has never made an entrepreneurial fortune. Because we all know entrepreneurs employing a large workforce are nothing more than evil capitalist exploiters. And also because none of us are business people, nor have any aspiration for financial well-being. We’re much nobler than that.

9. Further narrow down your field of candidates by selecting anti-Semites only. This will sufficiently assure the gentiles that you’re non-judgmental, barely Jewish and want nothing more than to blend in with the crowd. When they fire up the gas chambers, you’ll undoubtedly be spared. It worked like that 75 years ago and it will again.

10. An ideal candidate for the Presidency will paint America as a racist country full of slave owners and their ilk.

11. Those who post their dental procedures online and express their explicit desire to award monetary reparations carte blanche to anyone with black skin from the tax payer’s kitty are woke, dignified and moral beyond reproach.

12. In case a candidate exalts Israel, recognizes her 3500 year old Capital, marries his/her daughter to an Orthodox Jew, defunds her enemies and legitimizes her ancestral land - publicly denounce this individual as devil’s spawn without delay. Calling him/her Hitler would be appropriate and would prevent others from being fooled by this savage. Consequently, the ruling Democrat party gentiles will reward you for your correct actions by making sure their shark eats you last.

13. If a candidate demonstrates his unparalleled record on economy: lowest unemployment in 60 years, lowest unemployment for women, blacks and Hispanics, successful renegotiation of trade with neighboring Canada and Mexico, deregulation of industry for expansion of economy, or has brought in more billions in investment dollars than any other politician - run the other way! All these are a carefully crafted distraction from his/her xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny. Keep your focus on what really matters.

14. If the candidate speaks of a border wall and the need to decrease the number of illegals crossing the southern border to curtail the inflow of narcotics and MS13 criminals - report the racist to Speaker Pelosi immediately. We cannot tolerate any actions leading to the erosion of the democrat voter base. Do your part by following Adam Schiff and Senator Chuck Schumer’s lead: break down your own front door and invite illegals to live in your home instead of stranding them in cages to drink toilet water.

15. Choose a candidate with rabid anti-Israel views and BDS agenda. Especially qualified are those who are convincing at saying that their hate of a Jewish nation is justified, legitimate and in no way, shape or form equates to antisemitism. Their clarity on the real Israel will manifest itself by repeated use of the words “occupying force”, “illegal settlements”, “aggressor”, and “disproportionate retaliation”. They’re also likely to mourn dead Hamas leaders and give billions to Iran. Keep in mind, voting for this type of candidate will secure your image as fair and balanced in the eyes of society at large.

16. Place your allegiance behind the candidate advocating free-for-all abortions, gay education in elementary schools, health care benefits for illegals, voting rights for incarcerated murderers & rapists, and the banning of all methods of transportation to save the planet. Priorities and morals are important, don’t get left behind in the dark ages with the Republicans.

Be aware: we only have 12 years left on this planet, make the most of your choices. Take example from the election of Canadian liberal PM Justin Trudeau who legalized anal sex for 16 year olds as his first order of business. Look how well he turned out.

17. Words speak louder than actions. If he/she says they’re good for the country, they must be good for the country.

18. Be unequivocally visible at supporting any Democrat with hard-core anti-Semitic views, BDS agenda and regular Jew-hating tropes like “Israel hypnotized the world”, “Jews have dual loyalty” and “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.” This will demonstrate you have nothing against Sharia Law and those who call you “descendants of pigs and apes” in their holy book. Tolerance of those who hate you is part and parcel of the Democrat party’s deal with the Jewish electorate too tiny in numbers to make a dent. Do your part in supporting intersectionality.

Furthermore, if you lobby to have these unfairly victimized Democrats visit Israel, the Democrat Party will reward you by taking more of your money to fund their campaign. When they do, your money will reaffirm to them (once again) that you’re not a Jew but a loyal Democrat first. They’ll probably invite you to a donor dinner if your last name isn’t too Jewish and you don’t sport a Magen David around your neck.

In summary, stay away from using any critical thinking skills, or worse, thinking for yourself. If this guide isn’t convincing enough, defer to MSNBC and CNN. They will provide methodical and detailed 24/7 instruction on how to avoid making the wrong choice by accidentally turning on the lightbulb in your head. More importantly - they will stir you away from making the “Jewish” choice that will expose you as a colluder and traitor against this country.

Succinctly put, you must continue to know your place because 75 years ago they killed only 1/3 of you. That’s more than enough guilt for you to schlep. A staunchly pro-Israel, unapologetically Jew-loving President would be too much to bear and cause your knees to buckle wholly. Worse yet, he might even out you as a Jew lock, stock, and barrel.

Stay true to your history and instincts, continue your 3500 year trek through third class citizenry. Habits are always best. After all, there is a certain comfort in knowing your fate when you identify with your abusers.
Bottom line: Allegiance to the Democrat Party will be rewarded in spades and your children will thank you for it.

Beneath this correctly loyal decision hibernates this and you know it: as soon as the political influencers of the DNC start questioning your loyalty, you’ll hear the bells of the ghetto and the shattering of Kristallnacht glass. And that’s exactly what your granny warned you about.
(...newsflash: they already have!)

For your copy of the advanced intellectually-rousing version of the above guide, write to:

Hollywood Press
Hollywood, California

p.s. If after reading the above you feel confused, angry, pained from perceived sarcasm and queasy from having to read the word “Jew” too many times - congratulations! You’re a true to form Jewish liberal. You’ve been triggered and your symptoms are perfectly normal. Nothing your 400 reform rabbi signatories against Trump can’t fix.

Media Agenda Outrage For New Zealand

Written by Valerie Sobel on . Posted in Guest Articles

The killings of 49 innocent people in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday sent shockwaves through anyone with a heart.  To a normal human being it made no difference whether the victims were Muslim, Christian, Jewish, white, brown, or polka-dot. But not to the media..!

The liberal media couldn’t wait to wave its politically correct index finger at the white man’s collective guilt and scream “Islamophobia..!”  With victims all Muslim, all MSM needed was a non-Muslim killer.  Their hope of erasing more than 31,000 acts of lethal terror by Muslims across the world since 9/11 would certainly be realized by this singular act of derangement, as long as the bad guy was white-skinned.

The Christchurch murderer had to be white, had to be right wing, and most importantly had to have sported a red MAGA hat.  Or at least having thought of wearing one.  That ultimate carrot of President Trump as the guilty party in far-away New Zealand was never in question, never too far-fetched, and never too beneath their yellow journalism. Mainstream media punditry salivated and rubbed their hands while spinning this all too familiar tale.

Likewise, more than a few religious and political organizations, affiliates and groups couldn’t wait to populate our inbox with emails condemning the horrific murder.  Trouble is, most of us are still waiting for their email condemning rockets over Tel Aviv on Thursday..!  Did my junk folder swallow their condemnation of the colossal failure of the Democrat Party to lay punitive consequences on Congresswoman Omar for her rabid anti-Semitism..?  Most indigestible was their supine silence over the Nazi-style parade float depicting religious Jews as money-grabbing rats in Belgium, last week.

No doubt, leftists will justify this deafening silence with “but, no one died, 49 Muslims died in Christchurch..!”  Fair enough, we understand the "numbers" argument at the lack of any well-reasoned rebuttal.  So where was their outrage and condemnation of the gruesome killing of 32 Christians at the hands of Nigerian Islamists last week..?  A total of 120 dead over the last three weeks..!  Where were their tears for the unbearable death of a 19-year-old Israeli teenager who endured inhumane rape and torture by a Palestinian Muslim?

For the first time in history New Zealand synagogues shut their doors on Shabbat following the shocking massacre.  The Jewish Agency and the New Zealand Jewish Council proclaimed it stands in solidarity with the bereaved families.  That’s great and admirable, but why were their doors open for Shabbat observance after the Fogel Family murders when babies died in the Itamar attack..?!  Or, after the murder of three Israeli teenagers on June 12th, 2014 when the young boys were kidnapped at a bus stop and brutally executed by Muslim Palestinians..?!  Where was the grievance and cancellation of services for Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah, ages 16, 16, and 19, respectively..?!

Among the 258 terrorist attacks in 2019 so far, (256 of them carried out by Muslims), a suicide bomber stormed and detonated explosives in a luxury complex in Nairobi, Kenya. At least 21 people were killed including a British and an American citizen, and 28 others were seriously injured.  Strangely my inbox didn’t light up like a Christmas Tree with emails condemning their deaths “in strongest possible terms”.  Nor did I hear more than a whisper about this in any mainstream media.  Perhaps I missed the services cancellation notices from a few Churches and Synagogues pronouncing that they stand in solidarity with the bereaved families..!

Unless the red MAGA hat can be sewn from the slightest pittance of news-worthy crumbs, the public will not be privy to media’s panic attacks, communal grievances, or calls for gun-control actions.

It isn’t mainstream media’s coaching on our incurable “Islamophobia” nor the patronizing for when and how we should shed tears over human tragedy that we require.  It’s the hypocrisy of the liberal political agenda and our resulting severe "Mediaphobia" that we need immediate relief from.


Written by Valerie Sobel on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's Note:  On occasion, I come across something written by an individual that I don't know, but which speaks to a large audience about something critically important.  This is such an item.  I don't know the author personally.  I reached out to friends of hers to ask permission to share it with my readers, and they suggested that this is something she rightfully wants to see shared far and wide.

Her name is Valerie Sobel and she has a message for Liberal Jews everywhere, but especially in America, and she makes so many points that I couldn't have condensed it if I wanted to.

It is a fairly long read; however I promise it is well worth the few minutes to examine and maybe share with any friends who are either Jewish Liberals or Gentile Liberals. 

So there you go; without another word from me, I offer you the unedited wisdom of Valerie Sobel. 

It’s time for the talk.

From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters “Never Again!” to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one watching, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.

You are the resounding 72-74% majority of the 5.4 Million American Jewry who have backed the Democratic Party since the sun has risen in the East. We get it; you’re for minority rights because you will forever identify as a minority. You’re forever for JFK, even though his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. You’re forever for FDR, even though it was the Republican Ronald Regan who delivered approximately 6,000,000 Soviet Jews from bondage of Anti-Semitic leftist oppression.

The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and you’re forever the underdog, in your mind, in your memory and by virtue of our tiny demographic. Your parents and grandparents have been married to the Democratic Party since before you were born, and you can’t let go of what has been engrained in you with mother’s milk. Understandable.

Today is 2019, not the 1950s. And after the devastating failure of your Party to stand with you (as Jews) unequivocally against the rabid Nazi-era anti-Semitism of Democratic Congresswoman Omar, you stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for your political loyalty. And you know it.

We’re in the Situation Room of the 11th hour. Let’s connect all the dots together.

First, your history:

• At the UN, your favorite President Barack Obama, famously called for Israel to return to 1967 Borders. You said nothing and continued to exalt his virtue.

• The same man orchestrated UN’s resolution #2334, de facto proclaiming most of Israel illegitimate in Jewish hands. You said nothing and continued to exalt his virtue.

• On his way out of office, the same Democratic POTUS released a whopping $150 Billion to the mullahs of Iran who have a single clearly stated goal; washing Israel out to sea with their nukes. You said nothing and continued to sing 44th praises.

• You watched as Obama whispered to French President Sarkozy “…You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day”, mocking PM Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. You said nothing and continued to applaud Obama.

• You watched the spiraling souring of America-Israel relations under Obama’s leadership. You said nothing and continued the love affair with Obama.

• You knew of Obama’s $350,000 interference in Israel’s national election to subvert the democratic process. You looked the other way and said nothing.

• You never once heard the word “Jihad” leave Obama’s lips when describing Islamic terror attacks against Jews in France. You said nothing and continued to praise him in your liberal synagogues.  Because Obama is your guy. Because he had the visible color of the underdog. Because the Democratic Party is the perceived home of your ancestors.

Those ancestors are dead, but here is your 2109 record:

• President Donald Trump, by virtue of the American Embassy move, underscores Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. You instantly end your supine silence and find your voice in loud opposition to the most logical, lawful, courageous and Israel-loving politic. With trembling knees, you proclaim “he’s angering the Arabs” in your posturing speeches on Shul Bimahs, in schools, social media and in endless editorials. When WW3 failed to occur, you retreat back to your silence, having sufficiently defamed the President.

• President Trump reaffirms a record-setting annual budget of $4 Billion to Israel, including a $200M increase in 2019, for the next 10 years for a total of $40 Billion. What do you do? You bash the President in choir with CNN.

• President Trump defunds Israel-denying UNRWA. You continue to bash the President.

• President Trump defunds murderous Mahmoud Abbas to the tune of $250 Million per year. You continue to bash the President.

• You watch Trump’s appointee Nikki Haley staunchly defend Israel at the UN, time and time again. Speaking against UN’s anti-Israel biases & infinite resolutions of condemnation, like no one has ever before, Trump’s envoy to the UN stuns the world with her courage. Yet you continue to bash the President.

• President Trump stands alone against feckless Europe in ending the disastrous Obama era of Nuclear Appeasement with Iran, undoing the damage done by the your favorite ex-President. Ignoring this courageous unpopular move and Iran’s devotion to the annihilation of the Jewish people as its number one cause, you continue to bash the President.

• In every State of the Union and UN address, you hear President Trump exalt Israel, condemn the Holocaust, and explicitly exclaim the non-negotiated American support for Israel under his administration. Backed not by his words, but by his deeds! ….You? You continue to bash the President.

• Holocaust Survivors and American religious Jewry unreservedly embrace the President with warm support and voter presence. Speaking at Trump’s commemorations of Jewish events & important dates, celebrating Hanukah with singing and candle lighting by Trump grandchildren and children, in full view to the world from the White House. First occurrences ever in history! And you? You continue to bash the President.

• You know of Trump Family long-standing personal financial support for Israel, Fred Trump’s designation of NY buildings for subsidization of Post-Holocaust Jews, complete with a funded synagogue inside. But you continue to bash the President.

• In August of 2015, Donald Trump's own private jet carried a critically ill 3-year-old Jewish boy from California to New York for medical treatment, when commercial airline refused to fly him. You? You continue to bash the President.

• You’ve even watched the First Daughter, The First observantly Jewish Daughter of the Oval Office (another first in history!) pray at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, along with her father, the grandfather of this, de facto, First Jewish Family that every Friday night observes Shabbat. Amazingly, you continue to bash the President to the sound of the CNN drum.

• You, the liberal Jews of America, continue to bash the man who has never once said, let alone done, anything remotely anti-Semitic. You go as far as partaking in discussions and events that compare Trump to Hitler and the KKK. You sign petitions and you echo the cherry-picked sound-bites of MSNBC’s three-year smear campaign.

How you vote and what you do:

• You vote for the party of Louis Farrakhan, who only months ago called you “termites”!

• You vote for the party whose elected politicians announce that you have duel loyalty, the oldest most vilifying anti-Semitic charge of genocidal racism.

• You vote for the party that can’t remove a repeatedly outspoken rabid anti-Semite from membership in the Foreign Affairs Committee, which sets policy with Israel and its friendly neighbors.

• You vote for the party that dilutes and shoves its unhinged pre-Holocaust brand of anti-Semitism under the table, unable to pass a simple resolution against their hate of YOU.

• While chanting anti-Trump slogans, you march with anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, women who rub shoulders with Farrakhan & Al Sharpton, men who proclaim your children to be “Satanic Jews”.

• You vote for the party of Bernie Sanders, the man who defends Omar’s anti-Semitism and Palestinian militancy against Israel’s citizens. The same Socialist Sanders who once falsely accused Israel of a 10,000 dead-Palestinians genocide. The same Sanders who thinks your children “standing in queues for food is a good idea”.

• Astonishingly, you lend your vote to the party of BDS advocacy against Israel...!

• You stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who praises Jeremy Corbyn, accuses Israel of occupation, and now stands in official support of Congresswoman Omar.

• You even vote for the party whose elected officials tell you (the Jews) that you and your ilk have “hypnotized the world”...!

• You vote with the party whose elected official may be in violation of a federal statute for fundraising for two Muslim Brotherhood charities and its affiliates. Same officials who participate as keynote speakers at events for the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups IRUSA and CAIR.

• You vote for the party whose loyal College Campus Academia ubiquitously advances anti-Israel positions & Israel Apartheid weeks, and writes endless editorial pages against Israel’s “aggression”. The piously liberal Academia that prevents Israeli speakers from speaking on campuses. The Academia that poisonously convinced your children that bashing Israel does not amount to anti-Semitism.

• You vote for the party that morally equates Israel to terror groups and Islamic countries of horrendous human rights abuses.

• You vote for the party whose right arm, the media, exalts the Palestinian cause vis-à-vis Hamas terror on Israeli borders and streets.

• You vote “democrat” alongside anti-Israel groups like Jewish Voices for Peace, J-Street and George Soros.

• You vote for the party, whose members tried to shamelessly tie the Pittsburgh murders to President Trump and even tried to prevent him from visiting the aftermath.

• You voted for Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential for 2016, who by her own admission, was mentored by KKK member Senator Byrd. Photographed and videoed kissing the man while he was alive and proudly eulogizing him at his funeral.

• You vote for the party that gave us the KKK, David Duke and white supremacy. All the while, relentlessly brainwashing the public to tie this Democrat evil to the Republicans.

• You vote for the party that continues to ridicule and defame President Trump in order to keep the hate in you alive.

• You vote for the party that unanimously voted against Lincoln’s abolishment of slavery, championed by the Republicans.

• You vote for the party that stood against the 1964 Act for Civil Rights aimed to benefit American blacks.

• You vote against the party (GOP) who elected first ever African American Senators.

• You vote against the Republican Party that just championed and passed the anti-BDS measure with notable Democrats in dissent.

Going back to its Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow days, the beloved Democrat Party of your ancestors has always been a hotbed of antisemitism — a party that has, for decades, tolerated and feted Louis Farrakhan while embracing Rev. Al Sharpton. A Party that is now in the firm grip of Congresswomen Tlaib, Omar and AOC. A party that wants to be free of hiding its antisemitism.

So it isn’t the disenfranchised, marginalized-by-all 10,000 white supremacists (your party’s own embryo) you should be worried about. It’s the sweeping reach of the politically “correct” anti-Semitic Democratic Party into our collective psyche, our culture, our schools, our social norms, and our public opinion you should be disturbed about. Millions of malleable minds ingesting normalized anti-Semitism is a far greater threat to your children’s future than a one-time march of a unanimously hated group of thugs.

Your Party has failed you. It failed everyone it pretends to champion with its loud rhetoric: the middle class, minorities and the poor. It has conditioned you to see yourself not as proud Jews, but as underdogs only, conditioned to believe in the Democratic Party’s deliverance, irrespective of its dismal track record. Like you, this is the brainwash much of Jewish Soviet citizenry, under the Proletariat of the old Soviet Union, fell into, only a few decades prior.

“Divisive” is not the work of the most Jewish President USA has ever elected, but the push of Democratic Party’s agenda that survives on three wings of hate: “Blame it on the Evangelicals”, “Blame it on the Russians” and “Blame it on Trump”. The party which now officially adds the 4th wing of hate, the one that you can no longer run from or double-talk against; “Blame it on the Jews”.
Your hate has been meticulously fostered by the daily brainwash of the Democratic Party’s liberal media. In 2016, the Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations from employees of these same organizations. Are you tying the dots yet?

You stand with the party that has exhumed every hatred & division across racial & identity lines known to man. All to secure your loyalty and obedience as the perpetual underdog.

Today, on March 8th, 2019, you stand with the party that’s incapable of taking the smallest symbolic stand against anti-Semitism, let alone eradicate it from its ranks.

You stand with the party that stands against you.

You stand with the party that continues to elect Islamic and anti-Semitic politicians who propagate anti-Semitism proudly, even though your voter ballots are too few to matter to them in any election.
Yet, you stand against the party who takes up your cause and shows unequivocal support for Israel, and whose President wakes up to daily abuse for his pro-Israel, pro-Jewish stance, all despite your hate of him and your utterly insignificant voting power.

What legacy do you want to leave with your grandchildren? The legacy of German Jews with heads in the sand? Or the legacy of the Maccabees? Your clock is running out.

You’ve been duped. But believing a lie is easier than admitting you’ve been lied to. There’s no longer any ambiguity or defensibility of the Democratic Party, we all know it. They have sold you out, because your numbers are insignificant in the voting booth. And because another minority they can’t upset provides them with a much bigger voting bloc. You have a choice to continue on this path of self-desecration, dragging the rest of us to 1930s Germany with you, or you can walk away now, before the next election.

Your other option, to comfortably retreat right back into the lazy boy of your trembling Jewish knees and once again vote Democrat in 2020, still remains. Telling yourself the same old lie “Everyone is anti-Semitic. Why change?”

Just remember this; when you’re no longer at the dinner table, you’re on the menu. And you’re certainly no longer at the dinner table with the Democratic Party, Islam is.

As the majority block of the collective American Jewish vote, you have the power to determine how history and all our children judge us. Make the right choice.